Mikhail Južnyj will finish his active career in Petrohrady


With a career at Petrohrady

25. July 2018 at 11:10 TASR, SITA

MOSCOW. Russian midfielder Mikhail Yuznyi will finish his professional career after the Petrohrade tournament in September

He announced his decision on Wednesday after the first-round match in Atlanta, where he led Emil Reinberg in a 6: 2 and 6: 0

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"First of all, I want to thank the fans in Atlanta for a very nice atmosphere." I will play some tournaments in the near future, but my last will be in Petrohrada, where I will finish my career, which is very moving for me, "said the 36-year-old TASS tennis site

City is on the program from September 16 to 23.

Južnyj is currently 105th in the ATP rankings. The highest was in 2008 when he was the eighth bar.His greatest achievements include two triumphs with a Russian representation in the 2002 and 2006 Davis Cup.

The count has 19 tournament titles – 10 doubles and nine in four. In grandlam tournaments, he reached the US Open 2006 and 2010 in both doubles

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