Milan Markovic, pioneer of political cabaret, is 75 years old. | Article | goods


Bratislava, July 14 (TASR) – Teacher, journalist, publicist, actor, moderator, music composer, talker, screenwriter, comedian and satirist. This list is listed on its website. Many are associated with the beginnings of the actor in the Radošinský naive theater, another with amusing shows under the pyramid in Slovak radio and others with a touch of political satire on the screen of television. These are the positions and faces of Milan Markovič, who lives 75 years on Saturday, June 14.

Milan Markovič was born on July 14, 1943 in Bratislava. His parents moved several times, so he spent part of his childhood in Prešov or Nitra. Finally, the family returned to the capital. In the years 1960-64, Milan Markovič studied at the Faculty of Education of Trnava and, after his studies, he taught at Gajaroch. "For me, traveling was an unhealthy ordeal, as I was traveling every day and the train was leaving Bratislava at 17:20," Markovich recalls in his learning book (Bola) or "Who is actually Milan Markovic" written by his daughter Miroslav? (Mia). The reason was why Markovič moved to Bratislava. As a teacher of Slovak and Russian, he worked here until 1968, then he became editor of the educational journal

. He met his actor and author, Stanislav Štepko. Together they founded Radosin naive theater (RND) and Milan Markovič wrote the azda music to the most famous game of this ensemble – Jáánošíííík. Later, thanks to Markovich's ability to imitate "boys that women can be stolen", the character of Uhorcik, who was mentioned as an actor, was also credited with the game. performance has been re-executed 487 times. Markovič worked for RND until 1987.

In the years 1970-1974, he studied journalism at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University of Bratislava and, in 1976, he began to work in Slovak radio. With Stan Štepko and Petrom Guldan, they began preparing the Variation entertainment session, broadcast Sunday afternoon. It was only later that Markovič continued to moderate his sessions. "The director Olivia Binder was the first to dare to play the role of moderator, and it was about Jar, thanks to Olivia, I know today, and I do not know if it would be anybody. 39, one of such crazy, "remembers Markovich

In 1987, Variations was divided into four Sunday amusements, Milan Markovic listened to his audience with his performance Pod Pyramidou, edited by Elena Vacvalová. And here is Markovich's collaboration with Petrom Breiner, who has presented himself not only as a musician, but also as a quick glossary. The relationship for his openness and courage was against the opposition of communist officials. Its creators often worked with two versions of the script, one of which was "official" for approval and the other was actually drawn.

"It was only a matter of time when they sometimes invited us to ban them if they did not do it, and in the period before November 1989, he was starting to be really sharp. ", said Milan Markovic about this period. In his "Pyramid", the guests were Bolek Polívka, Zdeněk Svěrák, Peter Dvorský, but also Václav Havel and Vladimír Mečiar

Azda most attracted by the public in memory of the Milan Markovič Evenings, direct broadcasts of Studia S. broadcast in 1993-95. However, the problem of political barriers and prohibitions has been repeated. "The program had more than 60% of viewing, which is not the only criterion of success, but by banning the so-watched television series, he made it clear that he had nothing to to see with a public institution, "said Milan Markovic. For the next three years, the show has moved to the Czech TV screen, where it was broadcast under the name "On a sloping area". After the year 1998, the political cabaret returns to Markíza television and again to STV in 2003.

Milan Markovič is the author and performer of many cabaret and touring programs such as MM Kabaret or The Nobody's Come. Ball, or priest Róbert Bezák. In 2011, a book of his fictional titles, "Who's Afraid, Does not Read?" Milan Markovic has a daughter of Miroslav and his son Miroslav with his wife Martha

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