MIMORIADNE The final end in the case of the direction of Jánoša: tearing of the family? The case was rejected from the table


This was confirmed by the spokesman of the court of Trenčín Roman Tarabus. "The Senate of the Regional Court, at a public hearing, dismissed the prosecutor's complaint against the decision of the Prievidza District Court, as it concluded that she was not founded, "said Mr. Tarabus . The Trencin Regional Court upheld the decision of the Prievidza court last October

  MIMORIADNE Final ending in

Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklas

He then decided that the criminal case was taking place at the office from Prievidza district to deal with the offense, because the court concluded that it was not a criminal offense, but the defendant would be an offense. "The district court in this criminal case has carried out extensive evidence.The main hearing began in March 2016, the criminal case was processed in the main hearing for 15 days, and the District Court, in a resolution of 31 pages, explained in detail the finding that the act described in the indictment has the highest degree of offense against coexistence civic, " identified the Tarabus

  MIMORIADNE The definitive end in

Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklas

In its ruling, the Senate of Prievidza OS s 39; is based on the evidence brought to the main audience and, in particular, on the findings of the expertise of an expert in psychology. Ex-wife of the former district director of Smeru-SD in Prievidza, the decision of the Senate after questioning the resolution, on his own terms, was camouflage and opinion the expert was manipulated. The decision of the Senate, the deputy, as well as his lawyer, Ľubomír Hrežďovič, accepted. Hrežďovič noted in this respect that in the case of a legally finalized case, he would also defend himself in the infringement proceedings

  MIMORIADNE Definitive ending in

Source: TASR / Radovan Stoklasa

According to the prosecution, Vladimir Janoš had to behave with his wife and daughter downstairs, causing them psychological pain, meeting the family, threatening him with a firearm and committing physical violence. His trial should have lasted indefinitely in 2003 to February 2015, and the prosecution would have been ill-treated to be more serious. Vladimir Janoš denies his guilt at first. The former district chief of Smer-SD in Prievidza was initially threatened with imprisonment between 7 and 15 years old.

Janoš has been accused of torture against a close and mandated person since March 2015. His post and his term as district chief Smeru-SD have resigned with his ex-wife now.

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