Minister Lajčák has decided to resign


Bratislava, 29 November (TASR) – Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák (Smer-SD candidate) has resigned after four days of adoption , of the resolution of the National Assembly on the global pact for the migration of the UN. TASR informed Boris Gandel, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs (MZVaEZ).

"We will publish the details of this step after his meeting with the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Petr Pellegrinim, and the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kisk, the speaker added.

The Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic, Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD), does not want to comment yet. "The Prime Minister will speak after receiving this resignation motion", TASR spokesman Patricia Macek told TASR.

Chronological overview of the Foreign Ministers of the Slovak Republic

Milan Kňažko – Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS)

January 1, 1993 – March 21, 1993

He was the Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Independent Slovak Republic in the government of Vladimír Mečiar. Because of his disagreement with him, Meciar offered to appeal. President Michal Kováč disagreed.

Jozef Moravčík – HZDS

March 22, 1993 – March 14, 1994

He became Minister of Foreign Affairs Vladimir Meciar and also signed a contract with him. After the fall of the Mečiar government, he became prime minister until the early elections of 30 September and 1 October 1994.

Eduard Kukan – Democratic Union (TI)

March 16, 1994 – December 13, 1994

He was the government minister of Jozef Moravčík, which ended after the early elections.

Juraj Schenk – HZDS

December 13, 1994 – August 26, 1996

He was the head of the diplomacy of the third Meciar government. He asked to leave his post for medical reasons.

Pavol Hamzik ​​- HZDS

August 27, 1996 – May 26, 1997

Juraja Schenka was replaced by diplomat Pavol Hamžík. He left the government after the so-called obscure referendum.

Zdenka Kramplová – HZDS

June 11, 1997 – September 30, 1998

After Hamzik's departure, she became the third foreign minister of the third government. After the elections of September 25 and 26, 1998, she resigned.

Jozef Kalman Workers' Association of Slovakia (ZRS)

1 October 1998 – 29 October 1998 (Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs)

He was temporarily in charge of the leadership of the ministry after the elections of 25 and 26 September, when the government of Vladimir Mečiar and the new government created Mikuláš Dzurinda.

Eduard Kukan – Slovak Democratic Coalition (SDK)

October 30, 1998 – October 16, 2002

Today's MEP was Foreign Minister of Mikuláš Dzurinda's first government.

Eduard Kukan – Union of Democrats and Christians of Slovakia (SDK-DS)

October 15, 2002 – July 4, 2006

Kukan was also minister in Mikuláš Dzurinda's second cabinet during the entire term of office.

Ján Kubiš, the candidate of the Social Democratic Party

July 4, 2006 – January 26, 2009

A career diplomat was leading the Foreign Office of Robert Fico's first government. He left his post to fill the post of Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Miroslav Lajčák – Smer-SD candidate

January 27, 2009 – July 8, 2010

An experienced career diplomat replaced Kubisha in the first Fic government.

Mikuláš Dzurinda – SDKÚ-DS

July 9, 2010 – April 4, 2012

Dzurinda's double expatriate was Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iveta Radičová's Cabinet.

Miroslav Lajčák – Smer-SD candidate

April 4, 2012 – March 23, 2016

Miroslav Lajčák returned to office after the March 2012 elections and Robert Fico's victory.

Miroslav Lajčák – Smer-SD candidate

Starting March 23, 2016

Even after the last elections in 2016, Miroslav Lajčák remained in power.


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