Minister Miroslav Lajcak resigns


Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák (Smeru-SD candidate) resigns.

His spokesman, Boris Gandel, informed him. By this step, Lajčák responded to the adoption of the European Parliament resolution on the United Nations Global Compact.

Further details will be known for an interview with Prime Minister Petrom Pellegrinim (Smer-SD) and President Andrej Kisk.

Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) does not want to comment yet. "The Prime Minister will speak after the resignation of his resignation," said Patrícia Macíková, spokesman for the Prime Minister.

Roman Krpelan, head of state, said in the evening that President Andrej Kiska had still resigned for no member of the government. "When she gets it, she'll take care of it," he says.

In Miroslav Lajcak's remarks about why he insults the words of the parliamentarians and the testimony of his colleague from Smer-SD against him, we presented the underpayment of yesterday:

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