Minister of the Interior wants to add and expel minorities: police in Rome launches large Roma camp


Italian television airs dozens of people Thursday, including children in front of a camp with mattresses and other similar objects. A few days after the mayor of the Italian metropolis, Virginia Raggi, discussed the planned dismantling of the camp with the new Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Matthew Salvin,

according to the spokesman of the AP, about 370 inhabitants. In the past, their authorities have sought to resettle. The European Court of Human Rights on Tuesday urged the authorities of the Italian capital to suspend the planned liquidation of the camp. After his intervention, he had to wait for the cleaning of the premises until Friday, when the Roman authorities had to report at the same time what he was planning to do with the expelled Roma

The announcement of the camp was liquidated in June. Roma and Sintho, then a large number of them to the outside of the country. In public, the plan provoked a wave of outrage. For many, the idea of ​​summoning members of the minority recalled the era of National Socialism in Germany, where Jews were persecuted and discriminated against by Roma and Sinti

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