Mojsea and Voštinára War for Inkognito


Braňo Mojsej (50 years old) apparently regretted having accepted the performance of the Inkognito joker session. The moderator Vlado Vštinár (54), who stunned his private life and his career, shone on the rocker.

The bodily questions he posed to him did not please Mojsei, and the macabre atmosphere of the study was transferred to social networks. The audacious link with the Voštinor was already given by the singers Branislav (27), but also Mojsej himself

Mojseja was recently invited to the show Inkognito, where he was very busy. Jojka even cut off some throbbing questions from the show. And this part was a shame not only for the viewers on the Internet, but also for Mojsej himself, who barely caught his breath in Voštinor. "I can not help, but when I remember some of your songs, I do not think " he tried to joke the Vostinar and continued. "When you have concerts, where do you play?" "It will probably not be big stages," he asked and his curiosity grew. "Is Nora going to your gigs ? " Braňo just complained words " This is a closed chapter. I ask the lighter question, " responded to rocker " So Kabrheľ walk? " The Vostinar, who spoke of this situation with the famous soldiers,

Brutal Response

Clamping Mojsej called his son. "I do not like how much the Vulnerum has behaved towards my father," says Junior Brenna. "If he was so mean to all the celebrities, I do not say nothing, but it's just like honey, "he told New Time, and addressed a few words directly to Voštinor." You've been more comfortable as a father. To make sense of the doubts and make the second start at any cost, that's what you did, "added the junior, who was angry that his father had not even fought. " Braño is my longtime friend, I know his family. I do not think there was anything wrong, " defends Čekovský

  Voštinarove Open the gallery

Criticism rejects Vostinar. " I'm surprised . We certainly did not want to make a conscious mock of Braňa, I reject it. It was an attractive guest. If he perceives it, I am sorry and I apologize deeply to him. " My only comment was:" The public must make their own opinions about all this, they are behind me. I have seen other things on TV too. All that is happening around me is not surprising. However, life soon taught people how to help them hurt them. "Lucia Kulihova, host of TV JOJ, refused to comment on these scenes: " The questions posed by the moderator were related to his work, (f, f, q, f, q, f, q, f, q , f, q, function () {n.callMethod?
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