Moon Moon: We advise you to take this extraordinary moment


This Friday we will be able to watch the longest lunar eclipse in this century. A similar phenomenon will occur in the sky up to 105 years.

The eclipse of this year will be observed throughout the moon, with the exception of the beginning of the halfpipe. This is not visible to the naked eye, so we will not say anything. The moon will appear in the sky at 8:12 pm and the partial phase of its excitation begins at 20:24. At this time, the Moon will be just above the southeast horizon. The beginning of complete agitation takes place at 21:30 and the maximum phase of shading reaches 22:22.

During the longest phase, the moon will have a red-brown color, which causes a ray of light in the Earth's atmosphere. The appearance of the moon at this stage will also depend on the momentum of the atmosphere. The end of the complete eclipse takes place at 23:13. and at 00:19 pm

How to capture the complete eclipse of the moon?

Taking pictures of the lunar eclipse is not easy. Basically, you can use any lens for this purpose, the ideal is to have a wide angle and telephoto lens at your fingertips . It is necessary to find an appropriate object, along which the Moon will come off well. The most difficult is the introductory phase, partial of its eclipses, when it still lights up and is partially obscured. It is difficult to capture its structure. After complete eclipse, the photographs have a good visibility of its structure . Of course, a tripod must be used during filming.

The lunar eclipse in the sky this month will be accompanied by four planets visible to the naked eye . Venus will be observable at the beginning of the eclipse on the western horizon. Jupiter and Saturn will be able to observe almost all the excitement. And the cherry on the cake will be Mars, so each observer will be able to compare the size of the Moon and Mars.

You will need a lens with a longest focal length of at least 200 mm. Any longer lens allows you to capture more details about the Moon's surface. The higher the brightness of the lens is, the better it is. Owners of telescopes with a brightness of f / 8 are likely to be involved. The owners of ultraviolet cameras are here in a unique advantage

Focusing Photography The moon has the advantage of not complicating light pollution. So you can still take pictures in the middle of the city. Taking pictures of moonlight is more complicated than photographing a common splint. The brightness of the Moon decreases considerably during the Earth's shadow and without paralytic installation, you are limited by 1/60 second of exposure time.

With a longer exposure, the movement in the moonlight will be visible in the sky. So, there is nothing but sensibility. It is never possible to determine in advance what Month will have when extinguishing the total brightness . André-Louis Danjon defined 19 different possibilities in 1921 because the eclipse can take place. This is the Danjon scale. The brief definition of the individual categories and the approximate exposure times can be seen in the following table:

It appears from the table that the brightness of the Moon changes very strongly . In common, it is not difficult to achieve exposure times of the order of a thousandth of a second. When you are eclipsed, you must rely on the time in seconds. Without paralysis, it is only possible to shoot just beyond the shadow of the earth. Even the technique will be at the limit of its possibilities. (19659003) If you have a high quality parallax ( including a autoguider ), nothing prevents you from entering long exposure times. You will be rewarded with the fact that, in addition to the Blood Red Moon, you will probably also expose the surrounding stars. And he moves the quality of the image to another level . You need a tripod of high quality and quite rigid, with the focus not easy.

You can focus automatically when taking a normal picture. But when eclipse it is unlikely to work. Even during a partial excitation, the Moon has a fairly contrasted edge that can be focused without difficulty, but at the complete stage, it is necessary to sharpen manually

For example, adjust the exposure as follows: / 5.6 (or as low as possible), Exposure time – 1/60 s ISO sensitivity – 6400. If you do not own the shutter of cable, use at least the automatic reading. This prevents the camera from blur.

After successful exposure, it is necessary to check the histogram of the image. Even here, the old adage says that " the upper histogram " should be in its center . There are not many options to influence the exposure. Virtually the only option is to increase or decrease the sensitivity. It is not good to forget that photography also complicates the view.

Atmospheric turbulence will persist in destroying the details of the images, the longer the focal length you will use. And so you have to try to shoot as many shows as possible. The entire eclipse lasts long enough to find some nice shots in a number of captured images. Tomáš Hulík (Nikon Ambassador) is about to photograph the eclipse of the moon even this year . "I'm still not exactly determined where to look at the lunar eclipse, I leave it for a momentary inspiration I certainly know that Nikon D850 and Nikon D810A Nikkor D810A Nikkor 200- 500mm and Nikkor 105mm