Morbidity can be reduced by analyzing DNA and adjusting the diet


Every person is unique, and what works in one, not at all, does not even hurt him. Everyone has a specific genetic form and therefore has specific nutritional needs. If people know their genetic predispositions, they are able to understand how their bodies work and improve their quality of life by improving their eating habits, diet or movement. "We do not find two identical people in the world, there are different variations in the genes of individuals or different genetic information, which, among other things, cause different people they can affect the metabolic potential of lactose, fructose, glucose , fatty acids, proteins and other nutrients, and also determine the individual needs for the intake of individual nutrients in each individual, "said gastroenterologist Peter Minarik, who specializes in nutrition and dietetics.

If people know their genetic predispositions and hereditary disabilities, targeted changes in their lives can reduce their potential negative health consequences and threats resulting from the weaker aspects of their genes. Appropriate dietary and dietary habits thus considerably eliminate the occurrence of major diseases of civilization.

The insurance company, in cooperation with GenEplanet, Slovenia, comes with such genetic analysis. Based on the analysis of the oral mucosa sample, the client receives specific recommendations. The genetic analysis is performed by certified laboratories abroad. The insurer does not have access to the analyzed samples nor to the analysis itself. Therefore, the results of the analysis have no effect on the determination of risk groups or the amount of premiums for clients

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