More asylum applications on European soil, suggests the Austrian Presidency –


Berlin and Vienna agreed to return migrants to Greece and Italy. In addition, the Austrian Presidency of the EU Council proposed to introduce a system that would make asylum in the European Union impossible.

Germany and Austria want to jointly fight against illegal immigration into the European Union and against the uncontrolled movement of asylum seekers in Europe. Asylum seekers registered in Greece and Italy will return to the territory of these countries without being overwhelmed by the Austrians. This was announced Thursday, July 5 in Vienna by the German Minister of the Interior and Horst Seehofer, head of the Christian Social Union (CSU), and Austrian Sebastian Course

The success of this policy rests on the willingness of Italy and Greece to conclude bilateral agreements with Germany. This will only be revealed in the negotiations which will start next week

The Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU has just proposed to the Member States to introduce a system that would make asylum impossible on the European Union. European soil

Negotiations with Greece and Italy

Minister Seehofer confirmed that asylum seekers who are illegal in Germany will not be returned to Austria. Their situation should be assessed within 48 hours in police premises, but not in special transit centers.

Seehofer pointed out that up to two thirds of asylum seekers in Germany came from Greece and Italy. He added that Spain has not yet these measures back. The head of the CSU stressed that next week in Innsbruck he will meet the Ministers of the Interior of Germany, Austria and Italy, whose task will be to find a common solution to Austria. stop migratory routes in the south (Mediterranean) to reduce the number of migrants in Europe. At the same time, he suggests that new negotiations be held at the highest political level, between Angelo Merkel and Prime Ministers Giuseppe Contem and Alexis Tsipras

"If the negotiations with Greece and Italy fail Our country will think of new measures to stop illegal migration, "added Seehofer.

Proposal of the Austrian Presidency

Austrian Bureau The journalist declared himself satisfied with the discussions with Seehofer while Germany clarified his position. About the German government coalition, he said that "two days later he has managed to do more than the last two years".

In addition, the Austrian Government proposed to the other Member States a solution to the corresponding ideological lines of right and far right. The document presented by the French daily Le Monde at the meeting of experts of the Vienna Council of 2-3 July on the Austrian Council of 2 and 3 July

The presidential document says that "the Union European and political elites have lost control situation "in the field of migration. According to Austria, migrants are mostly young men "many of whom are close to ideologies hostile to freedom and violence". Le Monde cites the presidency's proposal to introduce a "protection system that would not allow any asylum application on European soil". By 2025 at the latest, asylum should only be granted to those who "respect the values ​​of the European Union, its fundamental rights and its civil liberties".

The Austrian document does not mention the controlled centers in some EU countries.

Asylum applications must be processed outside the territory of the Union, which refers to the landing pads requested by the last European summit. But after the summit, the African Union rejected the countries in which they would stand

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