More than 10,000 Ukrainians work in Slovakia


Ukrainians in Slovakia will grow up

20. July 2018 at 17:18 TASR

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BRATISLAVA. Currently, more than 10,000 Ukrainians work in Slovakia. He said this Thursday, July 19 at the press conference of the Ambassador of Ukraine in Slovakia, Yuri Mashka in response to a question from the TASR

About 3000 Ukrainians have a permanent residence and about 7000 there stay temporarily, he added. He admits that 100 to 200 Ukrainians can work illegally in the Slovak Republic

Many of his compatriots will go to Slovakia with Polish visas with permission to work in Poland

"They are deceiving that this permit is valid also in Slovakia"

In 2017, she revealed that 80 people were working on the basis of these permits in a company, then they were expelled, saying that 90% of Ukrainians were working legally and legally in the Slovak Republic

Number Ukrainians in Slovakia will grow because of a lack of skilled labor, he said. Employees of Ukraine and Serbia (third-party third countries – TASR rating) are more skilled than other distant states

He said that labor migration is a problem for Ukraine , where hundreds of thousands of people also leave for Slovakia. It all depends on the standard of living, he concluded.

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