More than 200 patients have been hospitalized in Michalovce up to now: new measures in Trebišov


Last week, the first two cases of childhood suspicion were reported in children in new places. One of them is Vranov nad Toplou. According to a public health spokesperson, Daška Račková, a five-year-old "Isolated in a domestic environment, vaccinated with a dose of measles, ružienka and mumps vaccine in 2014. The disease is confirmed in laboratory "[19659003] approached. The place of infection is in his words the village of Trhoviste in Michalovsky district, which is one of the mermaids mists. "The first lab results are unquantifiable, we are waiting for a second subscription", said in this regard that Fedakova had already taken certain measures regarding workers at risk at Vranov hospital.

The Regional Public Health Service, Michalovce recorded 279 cases of measles Monday, of which 150 were confirmed in the laboratory. In the Michalovce district there are 270 diseases, most of them in Michalovce (114) and Veľké Kapušany (61). There were nine in the neighboring district of Sobran. Districts of Medzilaborce, Snina and Humenné, according to Račková, reported cases of measles

As mentioned above, there are several anti-epidemic measures in case of the occurrence of measles. It is, for example, looking for contacts of patients, under immediate medical supervision. It consists in detecting subjective difficulties and clinical signs that may be linked to this disease. It is also necessary to secure the collection of biological material and to carry out laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. One of the other measures is quarantine and isolation of people suspected to be infected for 21 days after the last exposure to the disease.

A measles epidemic was reported about two weeks ago in Michalovce district. The crisis team has taken several steps to prevent the spread of this highly contagious disease. This includes, inter alia, police surveillance or the prohibition of mass demonstrations in several districts, as well as vaccination. Last meeting at the district office last week, the next meeting will be held on July 31st.

New measures in Trebišov

New measures against the formation and spread of measles are under way in Trebišov. They result from the occurrence of a suspicion of measles in a single child of the Roma colony Trebišov, who had previously been affected by a disease in Michalovce. The regional public health office, based in Trebišov, has ordered medical surveillance on Friday, July 20 and a special vaccination against measles for children living on Ivan Kraska Street. This concerns children from six months to 10 years of age who have no medical history or measles immunization

"By individual decision, medical surveillance, extraordinary measles vaccination, quarantine measures, l & # 39; 39, isolation and disinfection in the household, " a spokesman of the Public Health Service (ÚVZ) SR Daša Račková said Monday

during the weekend (21-22 July) for older children from 15 months to 18 years who are subject to regular mandatory vaccinations and in accordance with a decision published in a public notice of 13 July. "Children who did not have complete regular mandatory vaccinations against age-related measles were vaccinated during the weekend", informed Račková. In total, approximately 1200 children aged six months to 18 years were medically examined on Saturdays and Sundays. 225 people vaccinated with a dose of vaccine

Steps were taken at Trebišov hospital "Since there was a case of a child in Trebišov district suspected of If we have measles, we have joined the hospital to vaccinate the staff of the most at-risk departments who come in contact with the patient.If the epidemiological situation changes somewhat and will be more widespread, of course, we will increase the number of employees we will vaccinate. 19659003] The director of the hospital, Juraj Bazar,

Weekly vaccination of children in the Roma colony was provided by the doctors of their district in their ambulances "They are in the hospital but they are their ambulances" A probable case of Treyšov's disease was reported on Friday (20 July) to a three-year-old resident of Ivan Street Kraska The child was previously at M ichalovce, early in the infection, and has not been vaccinated against measles. The patient was hospitalized in a hospital in Michigan

Osseas must be worried and protected by vaccination, epidemiologist consultant

Osypok should be scared because despite the strict measures of epidemiologists, it is possible to import this disease of eastern Slovakia.

"Excitations are part of exantemic diseases with a high contingency, almost 100%, which is contagious, which means that if the virus causing this disease spreads in the population the people unprotected, the morbidity with the geometric rate increases, and all those who come in contact with the patient are not protected – therefore, it has no antibodies, pointed out Avdicová

On the contrary, if the disease is introduced into a highly vaccinated population, " " Usually only people who are not inoculated for contraindications, immunocompromised persons and those who have refused to be vaccinated ", he added, added. Animals are an acute disease caused by a virus that spreads through the secretions of the nose and mouth of the mucous membrane, and which also survives on objects contaminated by excretions. From human to human, it spreads in the air through droplets and through direct contact, rarely and indirectly, for example with a tissue or towel.

The incubation time of measles is relatively long, with an average of 14 days. The first symptoms are atypical: temperature, cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, small mucosa. A typical rash on the face will appear three to seven days after the first symptoms, later generalized seedlings. The disease can also occur with complications such as primary viral pneumonia, seizures or inflammation of the brain

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