MORT PLIAGU can not stop! Is Slovakia at risk of


A dangerous folding emerges in the east! Of the three cases of measles that came to us from the United Kingdom, there are already 170 patients! The infection has spread since May, and despite hygiene measures, she can not stop it. The situation is serious, the threats are also those that have been vaccinated.

The East Indians have not recovered yet from the syphilis that has spread to Trebiš, and there is another disaster here! In Michalovce, the threat of measles patients is growing. The situation is so serious that they have declared an extraordinary situation. The infectious department of the Michigan Hospital counted 25 measles patients in the morning, of which 7 newly treated. The critical condition was Sunday night when the number of patients exceeded 30.

In Michalovce, therefore, a crisis cell resigned yesterday, addressing the problem of preventing an epidemic that could affect the whole of Slovakia. Hygienists have ordered several measurements since May, but the patients have not ruled. Instead of quarantine at home, they spread the infection further. "Some of the sick have an irresponsible approach to accomplish the anti-epidemic measures" specified the chief hygienist of Slovakia Ján Mikas

  The problems are in the colonies where people do not Do not have hygienic habits

hygienic habits.

Photo: archive

The Ministry of the Interior was also involved. The police will start monitoring the movement of infected people and assist health professionals in the vaccination. In Michalovce and surrounding villages, they canceled mass demonstrations. "It will be important to continue vaccinating people in Mlynská, Gerbová, Staničná street in Michalovce as well as in Velké Kapušany, we will try to pin villages in the district where we will vaccinate people" provided by the Chief Hygienist The vaccine should also be provided by civil, public and local government personnel

The situation at Michich Hospital is also critical, and its capacity is increasing "Patients with suspected mosquitoes will be placed on both floors of the infectious disease. Patients with a different diagnosis will be served by beds in the geriatric department, " reported before Jan Fedáková of the World Health Network.Departments have separate entries to avoid meetings with patients. Micheal continues to be subjected to strict measures, including a ban on visits

  Ten dozen patients are treated in a Michigan hospital

Ten patients are treated in a Michigan hospital.

Picture by Roman Hanc

"At the moment, the expanded capacity of the department is sufficient," said Tomáš Kráľ, spokesman for the hospital's Health Network. If that is not enough, the patients will help the hospitals of Košice and Prešov. "It is important to remember that mosquitoes are a very easily spread respiratory infection that is a very contagious disease," Mikas chief hygienist Mikin said. The probability of being infected is 99%! The best protection is clear vaccination

According to epidemiologists, two doses of vaccine provide protection of 97%, a 93%. But beware! " Vaccinated persons may also rarely be infected, especially if they have been vaccinated with a thermally unstable vaccine used between 1968 and 1984," confirmed Zuzana Krištúfková, head of the Department of Epidemiology at the University. Slovak medical school. If you are afraid of this, you can study antibodies in the blood. If you were born before 1969, you probably overcame testosterone and you have immunity for life.

  Animals must be quarantined at home, but they do not worry

They are supposed to be quarantined in the domestic environment, bothering

Photo: archive

You should have a record of this in your health card. Vaccines after 1984 do not have to worry, the probability that they are infected is negligible. "The amount of measles outbreaks is evidence that their virus is constantly circulating in the population," explains Ján Mikas. First, untreated humans and those without antibodies are infected. They also have more complications. "Immunization is the most effective prevention If it did not work, we should have thousands of infected cases" Krištúfková emphasizes

The plight is also because holidays and holidays have arrived , people are traveling more – even to the east on Zemplínska šírava near Michaloviec.On the contrary, people from the East are going to work in the west of Slovakia. business, however, holidaymakers' concerns have not yet made themselves felt

If you're afraid to go with the family to the east, here's the recommendation from Chief Hygienist Jan Mikas "Anyone traveling to the affected area who is not properly vaccinated with two doses of measles vaccine runs the risk of being contacted by a sick disease. Parents who have not vaccinated children should contact a pediatrician and discuss vaccination with him "

Where the greatest number of people are sick

  • There were 155 cases of illness all of them reach 89 in Michalovce, 35 in Drahnov, 9 in Veľké Kapušany, 5 in Trhoviště and Zemplínska Široká, 1 infected in the villages of Falkušovce, Maťovské Vojkovce, Vysoká nad Uhom , Ložín, Iňačovce, Kapušianske Kľačany, Pavlovce nad Uhom, Kusín, Pozdišovce and Senné
  • In the district of Sobrance, 6 diseases were recorded in the village of Bežovce 3 and one in the villages of Baškovce, Úbrež and Husák [19659038Numbers
    • 161 cases of measles were recorded
    • 68 confirmed laboratory cases
    • 93 probable cases of measles
    • 128 people were hospitalized
    • 25 patients were hospitalized in the Michigan Hospital yesterday
    • Michalovce district
    • 9 Michigan hospital employees were also sick

    A highly contagious disease can also end with the death of the patient [19659047] a highly contagious disease that spreads easily among unvaccinated people. Symptoms usually appear 10 to 12 days after the infection. At first they look like a cold with colds, coughs and fever. The patient blushed his eyes hypersensitive to light. As the disease progresses, usually from day 3 to day 7, the fever can reach 39-41 ° C and a red rash lasting 4 to 7 days appears

    The severity of measles consists mainly of complications such as bronchial inflammation, brain, central nervous system, ear. It can be fatal! You can vaccinate against measles. Basic vaccinations are between the 15th and 18th months of life, in the 11th year of life.

    They want to stop the spread of the epidemic

    • In Michaelovce and the villages where they are infected, they canceled the cultural and social events
    • They gradually vaccinate the populations in selected localities of the district of Michalovce, a vaccine (19659039) Attention to the United Kingdom

      The Michalovce Regional Public Health Service warns that if you go to Great Britain, you should check with your attending physician about immunization against the disease, when you return to At home, you must monitor your condition for about 21 days. This is the maximum period during which the first clinical symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves.

      Are you afraid of spreading the measles infection

      Matus (30)

      "We are vaccinated with my wife and my son , so maybe I'm peaceful, but it's good that the city has taken strict measures, it's already necessary. "

        Matthew (30)

      Matthew (30)

      Photo: archive

      Elena (60)

      "I am next to the locality with the highest number of measles cases, we are afraid because these people are buried in containers and go into the playgrounds. "

        Elena (60)

      Elena (60)

      Photo: archive

      Mary (58)

      "I'm not afraid of myself, more than a grandmother.Now, now I'm thinking where to go with them." J & # I'm afraid to take them to the playground and the sandbox. "

        Mary (58)

      Mary (58)

      Photo: archive

      Ružena (79)

      "It is a dangerous disease, especially at my age.I believe competent people will make order with unruly patients." [19659014]

        Ružena (79)

      Ružena (79)

      Photo: archive

      Daniela (36)

      "Fortunately, we are all vaccinated I am for the so-called" (19659014)

        Daniela (36)


      Photo: archive

      Iveta (46)

      "I am more cautious and more attentive, I am sorry that the hospital is closed and other facilities restrict the regime." [19659014]

        Iveta (46)

      Iveta (46)

      Photo: archive

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