Most-Hid opposes the visit of Slovak deputies in Crimea


The minority party in the ruling coalition is convinced that it is unacceptable for members of the Slovak Parliament to attend the annexed Crimea.

The Most-Hide coalition party opposes the fact that the members of the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic visit the Russians annexed by Crimea. The Bugobars have said on the social network, being unacceptable

"They are not private, but they represent the landscape.Even during my free time.According to international law, Crimea is a Ukrainian territory, and this fact is recognized both by the EU and NATO as well as by the official foreign policy line of the RS. Slovakia did not accept the Russian annexation of Crimea and considers that the peninsula is part of Ukraine, and the Slovak representatives should behave accordingly.The sovereignty of the country and its deputies is demonstrated in democracy, inter alia, by respecting the agreements, "added Most- Híd

Response to Marcek's plan

The Bugárovci were in response to the intention of some members of the National Council, headed by Petr Marček), who will visit Crimea at the end of July and again. August, and it's the first objection criticized by the Ukrainian ambassador to Ukraine Yuri Mussa, who said that our MPs were violating Ukrainian laws

"I am not happy with this decision. I will come to invite the occupying government, violate Ukrainian laws, and the Ukrainian side will react, I think that they will be banned from going to Ukraine in the future, "said Muška, who wrote to the Slovak political parties asking them to take these steps [19659003 His words were echoed by Andrej Danko (SNS) Speaker of Parliament, who urged Muske ovale to members' private travels. "Members have their legal and social status . Slovakia is a sovereign and democratic state. If a citizen, a member of the NR SR, decides where he is going, no ambassador will talk about his intention to go there, "Danko told the ambassador.

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The musketeer calls for diplomacy

Similarly, the Slovak Foreign Ministry asks Muska to interpret his attitudes to the usual diplomatic communication before the public statements

" On the enlightened journey of Mr. Marcek and others in Crimea, as stated by the President of the National Council of the Slovak Republic, these people plan to visit Crimea not as deputies of the National Council of the Slovak Republic These facts, as well as the attitude of Slovak diplomacy in this area, are widely known and interpreted by the Ukrainian Ambassador in Slovakia and by our Ukrainian partners on several occasions. Kiev, "said Peter Susko, spokesman for the press. The coalition with him goes on July 31 to Moscow, then in Crimea on August 1. Returning to the plan on August 4th.

Mark recalls that Crimea joined Russia on the basis of a referendum. "This territory has always belonged to Russia's Nikita Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine, but that does not mean that he has the right to claim it." In November 2017, I said: was in Kiev as an observer, talking to people, and in front of the parliament I saw a camp of protesters. , what happens in Ukraine, how they live, their rights are violated, and there is no freedom of speech, "says Marcek, who believes that rights are not violated in Crimea, but in Ukraine .

The annexation of crime violated international law

The official position of Slovakia is that the annexation of Crimea was a violation of international law. But Marcek does not think so. "Because Crimea has always belonged to Russia," he said. If he gets a ban on entering Ukraine, he will be sorry. "Because I like the Ukrainian people and I have friends there, but I think that Poroshenko's regime will fall, as well as my ban on entry," he added.

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