Most people retire with the least profitable funds – Spending and investing – Money


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By the end of June this year, the second pillar was over 7.908 billion euros. Most of this money is invested in guaranteed funds.

According to the Association of Pension Managers
in guaranteed funds, it has 77.6% savings. more
the savings banks keep their savings in funds that they guarantee,
that the sponsor will not have less money in his account than he did it,

"Average Annual Recovery of Guaranteed Pension Funds in the Market
for the first half of 2018 represents 0.168%, non-guaranteed retirement
the funds have an average annual yield of 4.79%, "said the president
The presidencies of the Association of Pension Managers Marián

A total of 1,464,772 contributors are involved in the second pillar.
represents more than 30,000 people compared to the previous year.
Compared to the first half of 2017, he entered the second half of this year
20% of young people have more pillars

According to Kopecky, young people became aware of the importance of the other
pillar for their future retirement. "If the trend of steady growth in numbers
young people entering the second pillar will be in place by the end of the year
we can expect the old age savings market to be attacked
edge of a million and a half savers, "says Kopecky

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