Mother has something to explain: VIDEO The opposition calls an extraordinary committee, wants to see hell


Slovakia is the arrogant politician, according to the leader of the group of deputies of OĽaNO, Veronika Remišová. "Prime Minister says that she is not obliged to attend a meeting, and mother mother hides and continues to allocate questionable subsidies", said and recalled the journey of tractors from east to west

At the same time, she remembered the opposition, but also the Attorney General Jaromír Čižnár, who at a press conference Monday 16 July, said that out of a total of 36 farm records, errors were found in 10. In nine cases, the Prosecutor General's Office

"Ms. Matejová can not draw personal consequences, she does not Did not even give personal responsibility to the head of the Slovak Land Fund (SPF). "

Remišová said that it was an error under the leadership of Minister Matečka. the boss has never arrived, "said . The government, according to Remiša, can not say that the opposition says so because he said "a friend and classmate of Robert Fico"

The only thing that It is in the agricultural field that they cover the tracks.

"For years, the CIS has mastered its incapacity and the corruption of its candidates for national interests, and Danko, instead of tackling the problems,

  Zľava: Veronika Remišová, Jan

Source: / Jan Zemiar


where they want to invite the minister mother. According to him, five signatures have yet to be convened.

He then went to see the Attorney General. "At the same time, I would like to say that Mr Čižnár has also denounced the disgrace of the situation in Slovakia, which I would gladly welcome the open words" . "He has not yet done against the prosecutors who rejected the farmers' business."

"We are waiting for him to stop making prints of PR describing his terrible condition, and he will take also measures against the Minister Matecka ", Budaj.

Real Measurements Wait

The Success of Agriculture for Agriculture Jarmile Halgašová regrets that the solution to the problems of 39; agroresorte solves the problems of the Mother. "Cases such as Count Rošková or a beaten farmer occur throughout Slovakia", said and added that it would be desirable that the Hell mentioned by the Čižnár has arrived.

Personnel changes should be according to Halgašová "We expect the Minister of Maternity that he take concrete measures", said, while waiting for other systemic measures es, such as landscaping frozen, and a national debate on the future of agriculture after 2021.

 Remise: Veronika Remišová and

Source: / Jan Zemiar

Two Views on Failure

According to Galka, one must look at the scandal in two shots. "The first is the failure of the secretary of the mother and the persons for whom she is responsible." Her Vice President, said:

Such a state can not be accepted, according to Galka , members of the Smer party "Help and protect them only on hoods." said and added that Interior Minister Denisa Sakova and the police chief, Milan Lučanský, had the opportunity to increase their confidence in the police

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