MPs break Kiskovo's veto, political parties will have limits on their members


The law in Parliament was passed again without incorporating the president's remarks.

27. Nov 2018 or 17:42 (updated 27 Nov 2018 or 18:41) TASR

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BRATISLAVA. The Parliament rejects the objections of the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kisk, to the amendment to the law on political parties and to the law on the register of non – governmental non – profit organizations.

They renamed them without incorporating the presidential comments.

Inappropriate law

The President pointed out that several provisions of the law disproportionately and unjustifiably undermine the constitutional right of Slovak citizens to form and join political parties and political movements.

Read also: President vetoed the law on political parties

She also missed a more in-depth discussion of the changes.

According to the president, the changes should be the result of a broader political match after a sufficient assessment of possible risks.

The amendment to the law on political parties determines the political parties that wish to represent the NR SR or the European Parliament, namely the number of members.

These parties should have twice as many candidates as the list, that is, if 150 candidates are nominated, at least three members or at least 45 members of the highest authority.

The law also applies to money

The amendment also aims to prevent parties from buying and adjusting the treatment of financial gifts.

What is new is that the name of a political party or its abbreviation should not include the name or the first name of a person who is a statutory body, a member of the political party. statutory body or a member of the party preparatory committee.

The party should also have a property, which should be documented by a legal document. It should not just be a "window".

The changes also apply to loans. The parties have posted on their websites information on the loan received, as well as information on the person who provided it.

They should do so within 30 days of the date of conclusion of the loan agreement.

The change is produced in the gifts

Another change is gifts. The party may accept a gift or other free service only if its value from a donor does not exceed three hundred euros during the calendar year.

"It can not happen that a financial group finances a single political party and then it will defend its interests," said CIS club chief Tibor Bernajak.

Likewise, the party must create a payment account with the State Treasury, which will be financed from the state budget.

The account number must be sent to the Treasury and the State Commission, which publishes it on the Web. This account must not be identical to the transparent account set up for the election.

The amendment also provides that party and program leaders for whom their party has been abolished may not be members of the preparatory committee of any political party or statutory body or member of the statutory body, member of the from the highest executive body, arbitration and control of a political party for five years. .

The violation should be punished with a fine of 3500 euros.

It also approved the law on non-governmental organizations.

Non-profit, non-governmental organizations will have their own registry as of the New Year.

It is created by the law on the register of non-profit non-governmental organizations, which was re-approved on Tuesday by the National Council (NR) of the Slovak Republic.

The legal norm had to resume after the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska, returned to the plenary with remarks. The reservations of the Head of State have not disappeared however, the deputies approved the law in its initial wording.

Kiska indicated that the extent of the information requested in the publicly accessible part of the register of non-governmental organizations was disproportionately large.

The inclusion of the date of birth of a natural person constitutes, in his opinion, an undue interference in the protection of personal data, which is not justified as it is of a sensitive personal data and which is easily misused in connection with other data.

"I think that this is in direct contradiction with the European regulations in force, and therefore with the obligations of the Slovak Republic resulting from its membership of the Union," said the president.

Kiska also considered it a problem for organizations with an international element to include in the statutes data on the statutory body, including name, first name, permanent address, date of birth and birth number.

According to the Head of State, non-profit organizations have the duty to report sensitive data directly in the laws by violating the prohibition of discrimination, which is not justified.

Save the organization

The law on the work of the Ministry of the Interior establishes a register of non-governmental non-profit organizations. According to Minister of the Interior Denisa Sakova (Smer-SD), he is supposed to bring cleanliness and transparency to the non-governmental sector.

The Center emphasizes that there is currently no legal obligation to keep data on the statutory body and the members of the statutory body of these organizations.

"Public authorities or third parties do not currently have relevant data on the organizational units of civil associations," the ministry said.

The establishment of a registry of non-profit, non-governmental organizations will allow in the future to have comprehensive data on non-profit non-governmental organizations. "Legal entities registered in the register of non-profit, non-governmental organizations will be uniquely identified and will provide a reliable and up-to-date source for the register of legal persons, entrepreneurs and public authorities," the ministry said.

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