Mr. President, welcome to the country of free printing


Helsinki Journal Helsingin Sanomat Welcomes very well American President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin

The largest Finnish newspapers have paid a series of 300 billboards that are deployed on an airport road the summit of the US and Russian president. These signs recall the poor relations of the two presidents with the media with a clear reference to freedom of the press. The billboards are in English and Russian

As Kaius Nieme, editor-in-chief of Finland's Helsingin Sanomat, said the campaign aims to increase awareness of press freedom around the world , writes ABC News.

"We want to show our support to colleagues who have to fight every day in difficult conditions in the United States and Russia."


Demonstrations. Human rights activists and environmentalists are protesting today in the streets of the Finnish capital, where summits are taking place. Greenpeace hung a huge banner at the church tower in central Helsinki. The organization fighting for the rights of homosexuals broadcast its report directly on the facade of the Finnish presidential palace

"Let's discover our heart, not the planet" Greenpeace transparency writes to the Helsinki tower. She responded to President Trump's recent announcement that the United States is withdrawing from the Paris climate treaty. [19659009] – Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) July 15, 2018

"Trump and Putin: Stop Crimes Against Humanity in Chechnya", in the center of Helsinki "The whole world is watching, silence is mortal", also appeared at the headquarters of the head of state where Trump and Putin meet today . The human rights campaign calls for investigations into the persecution of sex minors in Chechnya

Finnish police are waiting for protests during the US and Russian President's summit all night long. Before, there were supporters of free trade in front of the presidential palace. In the center of Helsinki, protesters who called on Trump to support Ukraine in opposition to Russia

Quatre-Eyed Interview

Donald Trump plans to begin his meeting with Vladimir Putin through a four-way interview behind the closed door.

Trump wants US television to demonstrate his claims to diplomatic conventions and, at the same time, ignores the fears of American allies that his meeting with Putin could lead to unpredictable developments. With Putin, Trump wants to speak at the summit only in the presence of interpreters without large delegations, as in June in Singapore, he met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-oem

Writer Kremlin Dmitry Peskov has also accepted the possibility of negotiating the states in the nearest order. The meeting between four eyes according to him Moscow "absolutely" is appropriate. "Putin feels good in a comfortable environment for his partners, we do not admit that if a preliminary agreement is confirmed, the Kremlin writer will be held at the beginning of the summit between the two presidents," said the Kremlin

. ČTK Helsingin Sanomat

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