Mugabe will not support the election of his successor


Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe said Sunday that he would not vote for his successor in Monday's presidential election, Emmerson Mnangagwu.

In his speech to reporters, who were the first to be removed from office last November, Mugabe said "for the first time we have a long list of candidates for power."

"I will choose among the 22 other candidates," added Mubage, 94.

Mugabe met with reporters 24 hours before the presidential election, which was held for the first time since the declaration of independence without his participation. In addition to the election of the head of state, parliamentary elections will be held in Zimbabwe on Monday

. As the AP says, the most serious rival of Mnangagwa is the lawyer and pastor Nelson Chamisa, 40 years old. AP recalled that many Zimbabwean citizens had known no other ruler in their lives than Mugabe, who had ruled the country 37 years after independence in 1980.

Mugabe's turmoil unleashed a wave of optimism in Zimbabwe. (19659003) Zimbabweans, according to the PA, hope that fair elections could help abolish these economic restrictions and bring the country the necessary investments to restore the economy

Mnangagwa, a former confidant of Mugabe, tried to persuade voters to support reforms during the election campaign. (1969009)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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