Musk offended a rescuer of a Thai cave. Tesla fell by two billion | business


Tesla, an American stock maker, lost more than 3.5% on Monday after CEO Elon Musk offended a British spelunologist involved in rescuing twelve young footballers and coaching them one Thai cave. The automaker's market price fell by nearly $ 2 billion, according to Reuters.

The controversy over Muscovy with British caveman Vernon Unsworth began last week when rescuers refused to use Tesla's plan for boys and a minesweeper crash designer drawn by SpaceX.

"He can put his submarine where it hurts," said CNN V. Unsworth to E. Musk. "There is absolutely no chance that it will work," he added.

E. Musk then named Brit for a pedophile on Sunday's Twitter account. Later, however, he canceled his post.

Many analysts and investors told Reuters that this case reinforces their concern that Musk's public statements divert his attention from Tesla's leading role in the production of electric vehicles

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