Musk: Tesla has almost failed this year. And I'm always scared of the AI


Through the parallel project, he wants to achieve the symbiosis of people and artificial intelligence.

Elon Musk is unexpectedly "congratulated" on the fact that Tesla was in 2018 just weeks away from the accident. At the same time, he once again warned the world against a more serious threat in the form of a long-standing, artificial intelligence. He succeeded in an interview for HBO Axios series, said Business Insider.

Overproduction of hell

The Tesla Automobile, according to Muska, "literally blew up money like crazy." The reason was unpredictable – problems with Making of Model 3. Although Musk is not entirely specific, he said that the number of weeks of Tesla's disintegration after the crash was less than 10%.

He gave even more weight to his previous statements, when he complained that the year 2018 was the worst in his career.

Elon Musk

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Tesla promised, more than a year ago, that the company will produce 5,000 models 3 times a week in December 2017. Finally, the goal was reached with a delay of six months.

It was known for a long time that during this period Musk was still sleeping on the couch for a work meeting. He only remembered recently that he was working 120 hours a week. It's 17 hours a day – if we count on the weekend.

Do we fall like a monkey?

Long-term criticism of artificial intelligence, this issue has not been addressed in the interview. He does not like weak state control.

"The way in which regulation is introduced is slow and linear, while we are facing an exponential threat," he said, with such a "power relationship" likely to override the rule. ; IA.

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"[AI je] only digital intelligence. And over time, as algorithms and hardware evolve, digital intelligence is largely triumphing over biological informatics. It's obvious, "thinks Musk.Human beings are concerned about minor issues and therefore do not see those with potentially heavy consequences.

At the same time, he used the parallel with nature. "When a species of primate – homo sapiens – was much smarter than others, he pushed the others into a very small space, so there are very few gorillas, orangutans, and chimpanzees – monkeys in general.They are in cages of a small world – cages, zoos ", he described the possible impact of AI, that he has (again) described as an existential threat.

Does a man connect with a computer?

Although Musk is afraid of the negative aspects associated with AI, he is immediately involved in two projects that are directly related to him. The first is OpenAI, a non-profit organization that deals with research, of which Musk is the co-founder. Today, however, it is only a generous donor of funds.

The other is Neuralink, which tries to connect electronics to the human brain. "The long-term goal of Neuraline is to achieve a symbiosis with people with artificial intelligence," he told Axios.

This would solve a number of problems. He mentioned, for example, a damaged spinal cord or oblivion in old age.

Such a physical connection to the brain could be completed within ten years. Something similar but in its form already exists today, but it is less effective. These are phones, computers or watches.

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