Myths and Truths: Estrogen After Menopause – Who Cheats Women – Health



"The symptoms of the climacteric syndrome are plagued by many women.", yesterday 12:07

Photo illustration Photo: TASR / Pavel Neubauer

Nearly twenty percent of them, due to overheating, urinary disorders, muscle and joint pain, anxiety or sleep disturbances, will reduce the quality of life and face the onset of their life. The answer to their problems is hormone treatment with estrogen. But that could not be false myths for more than 15 years. Its success is 90%!

"Experts prescribed by MHL – hormonal treatment of menopause (term previously used under HRT) up to 60 years, reduce until complete elimination of the unpleasant symptoms of the climacteric syndrome, also act as prevention of osteoporosis (bone contusions), colorectal carcinoma, cardiovascular disease and depression, "Explains the effects of the chief expert of the MHL, MZSR and president of the Society for Menopause and Andropause Teacher. MD. Miroslav Borovsky, CSc. and adds: "Because of the dementia associated with hormone therapy, we now have an increased number of women with older chronic diseases".

The mechanism of the climacteric syndrome is not yet clear. High levels of serotonin (a substance that affects sleep and thermoregulation) are only confirmed in women with severe climacteric symptoms. Women with medical complications are often recommended as an alternative to phytoestrogen teas and supplements, but no type of alternative treatment for the climacteric syndrome is as effective as the biologically identical estrogens of the currently available drugs. The prescribed hormone treatment reduces the frequency of symptoms by 75% and their intensity by 87%. The data also apply to women after a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus).

The US WHI study, which in 2002 had provoked such a negative response from the media and then public opinion about the use of hormone therapy, was a bit of a storm. The participating women were overweight (two-thirds), smoked (more than half) and had been treated for high blood pressure (over one-third) and also had a relatively high age (average age 63). All of these factors had a negative impact on the results of a preventive study that, on the contrary, only required the participation of healthy women.

The US media articles have been picked up without further thought and, worse, without the experts dealing with the issue in Slovakia. "The treatment is responsible and the hormone therapy only treats healthy women. I believe that blind tracking of America is counterproductive in this case. The final treatment decision must always be based on the mutual agreement of a physician and a well-informed patient,"Professor Borovský adds to the treatment of margo in Slovakia.

If menopause occurs before the age of 45 (or 40) of a woman's life, the risk of dementia and mental illness is high, affecting mood and emotions. Hormonal treatment of menopause (MHL) containing estrogen is the most effective form of treatment for vasomotor symptoms (hot flushes, etc.) and urogenital atrophy, which forces women to urgently need to urinate and who are susceptible to urinary tract infections. MHL at the same time improves memory and mood, reduces sleep disorders, relieves muscle and joint pain, prevents osteoporosis, rectal cancer, type 2 diabetes and possibly coronary artery disease and dementia. 39; Alzheimer. MHL also associates professionals with favorable cardiovascular status because estrogen reduces left ventricular volume and heart rate. Treat MHL Professor Borovsky finally adds: "Let's try to explain to our beautiful women that the climacteric should not suffer because we have modern and effective means and therapies that can even have positive consequences on health.".


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