NAKA arrested a number of people on drug action to produce methamphetamine for millions of euros


BRATISLAVA, July 12 ( – Three detainees were arrested at the National Agency for Criminal Investigation during a drug crackdown in the Trnava region, namely Ivana K. (39 years old), Bohuša Z. (48 years old) and Marek Š.

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"In this case, the SITA was informed by the spokesman of the Presidium of Police Michal Slivka, the action was related in the old case of methamphetamine production and distribution. there are nine people, including three detainees, who were arrested, "said Slivka, with the exception of three inmates, including Martin U. (30), Peter J. (41), Ján. K (34) The three other charges are currently in detention, namely Jiří K. (51), Miloš K. (34) and Daniel B (36).

Accused by the police since 2015, they have provided precursors for the production of methamphetamine.They then sold it to other people, according to a recent survey, producing nearly 65 kilograms of this medicine of a value of at least 2, 5 million euros.

"For drug crimes, they can cope with 20 to 25 years of imprisonment, life sentence," added Slivka

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