NAKA investigator accused three men of corruption


The antitrust investigator of the National Crime Agency (NAKA) on Tuesday accused three men of corruption.

Two of them had to ask for a bribe for a better result in a district court. He is accused of stealing a winter jacket in a sports shop in Liptovsky Mikulas for nearly 700 euros.

For the most mitigated result of the trial, the accused, Petra K., 47, was blamed by Radoslav T., 32, and Dalibor P., 34, for the equipment of a "good" lawyer who had to bring the case to court, they should ask him first 1500 euros, later 2000. The lawyer should have been able to stop the prosecution despite the Peter K. has been repeatedly convicted of property crimes. "In May this year, Peter K. Committing an act of bribery to deliver two euros in 2000."

Criminal prosecutions for indirect bribery began in early June by the investigator, the prosecution was brought on Tuesday (10.7), and in case of acquittal, they face a custodial sentence of two or three years

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