NASA and SpaceX have joined forces to protect the Earth from asteroids. The first mission will come before we think


The impact of the asteroid on Earth, depending on its size, would have serious consequences, but NASA's space agency would like to avoid it. In her plans and attempts to divert the flight paths of these space bodies, she will soon be helped by a well-known company that has built the largest Falcon Heavy rocket. NASA adthat she chose SpaceX to carry out the DART mission in 2021, with which she signed a $ 69 million contract.

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The DART mission (Dual Asteroid Redirection Test) will use the SpaceX rocket to divert the Earth asteroid to another body at high speed. The best choice for NASA was the space company Elona Muska, which would provide their Falcon 9 for the demonstration of these plans as early as June 2021. The missile will fly from Vandenberg air base in California in October 2022, then Earth 11 million. kilometers away, he informed Daily mail.

NASA will investigate Didymos and Didymoon asteroids

If the plans of the mission are completed as planned, the orbit of the asteroid should be modified so as not to hit the Earth. At the same time, NASA will use its previous knowledge to redirect its flight to asteroids heading towards our planet, thus avoiding a dinosaur-like fate for humanity millions of years ago. futurism. The DART Bowl will rely on a solar rocket 2.4 meters long to be powerful enough to hit an asteroid of 800 meters. It will also carry two small satellites on its deck to explore its surface.

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But Didymos also took the European Space Agency, which according to Fox News prepares his own autonomous spacecraft Hera for his future missions. The first one can be made as early as 2023. Thanks to its autonomous control, this ship could reach the asteroid at a distance of 200 meters, which would allow it to be observed closely. But Hera is according to the portal space part of the important AIDA mission plans to send a NASA missile on the same asteroid system in order to remotely observe another Didymos satellite, Didymoon.

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