NASA spacecraft found evidence of distant asteroids from Benna


A discrete probe called OSIRIS-REx for researchers in NASA there was a lot of surprise. After performing the spectral analysis on the target asteroids, she reported results that literally shocked the world. sure Asteroids Bennu At kilometers from the sun, you need to create minerals with water in the liquid state.

The probe is part of the NASA Origins program

The OSIRIS-Rex spacecraft, part of NASA's origins research program, was sent to the asteroid Benno, some 160 million kilometers from the sun. The probe arrived at the 487 meter wide asteroid on December 3rd and went almost immediately to work. The purpose of the probe was to reveal the secrets of the solar system using spectral analysis.

On the surface there are traces of hydrated minerals

The most interesting discovery of a NASA special probe is undoubtedly the discovery of traces of hydrated minerals on the surface of the asteroid Benna. Traces of hydrated minerals have been discovered thanks to the special spectrometer with which the probe is equipped. So, what does the potential onset of hydrated minerals on the surface of the asteroid mean? The answer is quite simple: there was water. For some hydrated minerals to form on the surface, there must logically be water in the liquid state.

Surface hiding another surprise

The surface of the asteroid itself hides several mysteries, one of which is also a big rock of a size up to 15 meters. According to Dante Lauretta, head of the OSIRIS-REx return mission, the rocks on the surface of the asteroid are simply lying down. They seem to rise to the surface of a small hill or the surrounding rocks are wet and the big rocks are completely uncovered. The assembly of Benna asteroids is expected to take place in 2020, as long as the research team has to find a suitable crater for landing and reconnaissance.

Source:, introduction image (Wikipedia)

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