NASA: We came into contact with a space probe moving outside our solar system


Houston, July 21, 2018 (HSP / Roman Bednar / Photo: TASR / -ESA / NASA)

This object is located so far from the Earth that NASA's signal sent him on the road until he reached the end of his life. at 19.5 hours. The space-to-Earth distance is "only" 150,000 million kilometers, and the Sun-Earth electromagnetic signal would travel for about 8 minutes.

Photo Illustration

This distant space probe is Voyager 1, which NASA fired into the cosmos in 1977 and is now the farthest spacecraft sent from Earth

Thanks to the so-called "The thrusterom that the probe carries with it has been able to communicate with the Earth for a long time.In 2014, however, they denounced their service.S NASA engineers were able to activate 4 other thrusters the year last, which were initially planned as a reserve and have not been activated for nearly 40 years.

The NASA team responsible for the Voyager project was able to establish a connection with the probe on November 28 2017.

Scientists were delighted that for so long, these devices and they can work further.Again, it is possible to capture exciting information and data from places of a space n 'appart not to our solar system

Naturally, the duration of the communication with the probe has been prolonged only for a few years. Then there is the end and the probe will continue to travel through the far-off spaces of the cosmos, but for eternal times without a single "word" pronounced towards Earth

Roman Bednár


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