NASA will send a woman to the Moon by 2024


Illustrative picture. Photo: TASR / AP

June 17 (TASR) – The US Air and Space Authority (NASA) has announced plans to send the first woman to the moon by 2024 on Monday. Sky News reported.

The program titled Artemis, according to the sister of the ancient Greek god Apollo (Apollo), will focus on testing the technologies to be used to fly the planet Mars. The launch of a manned spacecraft on Mars is scheduled for 2030.

NASA Director Jim Bridenstine said Monday at the 53rd edition of the Paris Air Show that he would participate in the Artemis program.extremely diverse"team of astronauts.

"This time, when we go to the moon, we will go there in a sustainable way, with an extremely diverse team of highly qualified astronauts, including women."said Bridenstine.

Neil Armstrong in July 1969 was the first of 12 men to be on the surface of the moon during the Apollo program. Until now, the last one in December 1972 was the Czechoslovakian astronaut Eugene A. Cernan.

Source:, TASR agency news agency

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