Nathan Fillion is Nathan Drake! Enjoy a 15 minute fan movie referring to the game in each game


It was written in 2007 and Naughty Dog came under the guidance of Sony with his own adventurous hero. It was buzz, a sweet dose of romance and a big action scene. When we continue to realize the potential of the genre and especially the characters we love for good.

Uncharted adorns huge action pieces, rotting temples, and great action, but hearts just have characters, dialogues and Drake with his posts And that's Fillion in a 15-minute shorts We do not know who paid for it (Stephen Lang probably did not do it for free), but we are happy that it was created

Sony can change his decision and entrust the role to Fillion. Fans wanted it for over 10 years, but Sony was waiting, waiting, rewriting scripts, interfering with different versions of the image, and finally deciding to make a prequel [peut-être pour le style de Flashback Sequences de Uncharted 3.]

Tom Holland starred and many stomach players turned around. (19659002) However, Fillion does not respect him, and with director Allan Ungarom (Gridlocked), who is a big fan of the series, he pulled a short 15-minute break with everything we have on Uncharted's. ;love. Elena will also appear, but he will be delighted to have a big Lang like Sully and a great Fillion like Nathan.

It's missing a few pounds, learns more to run, puts on a better script with cooler dialogs, and you've got a great one. It is essentially a classic Klisoid action movie, where the bad guys do not get so much. That's why shorting is more than good because of its origin.

Who knows, maybe two or three years later, we say that he finally hit better than a blockbuster with Holland. The dreams of fans and players have been realized. Fillion can also explode and we still have something more. His Nathan is a true masterpiece, as we have always wanted.

PS: The camera shot from the right shoulder was an excellent race for the players. Did you have the impression of catching the driver?
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