NATO Summit participants called for an extraordinary meeting on Trump's demands


Summit participants discuss requests from US President Donald Trump to increase defense spending.

Participants at the current summit of the North Atlantic Summit in Brussels met in an extraordinary session Thursday to discuss US President Donald Trump's demands for increased defense spending. AP (AP) recalled the two officials present at the summit

According to sources cited, partners from non-member countries were invited Thursday afternoon to leave the meeting room due to an extraordinary extraordinary meeting. (19659003) The US President on Wednesday called on North Atlantic Alliance partners to increase defense spending to 4% of GDP instead of a previously agreed 2% target

. According to diplomatic sources quoted by DPA, Trump even openly threatened Thursday an ally of NATO that they did not immediately provide 2% of their gross domestic product (GDP) for defense, the United States will go to defend their own path

Der Spiegel Trump magazine demanded that member states invest two percent of GDP in defense by 2019.

Does the US president think seriously about his threats and what to do if he does not meet his requirements? Theoretically, it would be possible, for example, to reduce the activities of the United States within the Alliance, but in the most extreme case of their departure from NATO

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