NDS staff properly charged their boss. Studenková sent him a really hard link!


  The artists have loaded their boss well.

The situation in the Slovak National Theater is rising. The staff of our largest cultural institution did not receive a portion of their money in July for their shows. If this is not recovered, the artists and technicians are ready to go into the preparation for the strike. This would mean that the SND will not open the season for the first time in history. The theater is in tremendous financial pressure and its director Marián Chudovský leaves. The Minister of Culture, Laubica Laššáková, has already addressed the serious situation, which has given the SND a complete audit. What happens in the theater is its employees.

  Zdena Studenkova, actress of the National Theater

Zdena Studenkova, actress of the National Theater

Photo: television joj

Zdena Studenkova, actress of the drama SND

SND receives smaller and smaller grants. They shorten our money. It's a showcase where we want to raise awareness of the nation, if not of culture. I am convinced that no minister can ever afford more money for culture and theater. If colleagues want to participate in the strike, they have the right to do so. I can not say it because I have little information about it

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