Neo-Nazis sentenced to murder ten times


Former member of the neo-Nazi group of the National Socialist Underground (NSU), heard the verdict of the court in connection with the murders of ten people from 2000-2007.

The Munich Supreme Court sentenced Beate Zschäpe to life on Wednesday. DPA said. The court recognized Zschäpe, 43, who is considered the only living member of the NSU, guilty of one murder ten times, stressing "the particular gravity of the charge". The verdict fell after nearly five years and 430 trading days. Zschäpe appealed this judgment to the Federal Court of Justice (BGH). According to the DPA, this was reported by his lawyer, Wolfgang Heer.

The NSU is supposed to be consciously murdered by eight Turks, a Greek and a German cop. All the victims were cold blooded up close. The group also committed two bombings in immigrant neighborhoods in German cities that were victims of 23 people and 15 robberies.

Zschäpe refused to share the murder. to prevent his accomplice – Uwe Mundslos and Uwe Bohnhardt – in their execution, writes DPA. Mundlos and Böhnhardt committed suicide in November 2011 after an unsuccessful bank robbery.

Zschappe's lawyers argued that his participation in more than ten robberies was enough to punish ten years of imprisonment. However, the Office of the Prosecutor considered her a murderer and demanded a life sentence for her. With her, they were accused of helping the NSU group with four other defendants. Ralf Wohlleben, whose court sentenced him to 10 years in prison for giving a killer a weapon he used for murder, received Ralf Wohlleben