NETFLIX will probably introduce a new prepaid package and raise prices for others


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<p><strong>  If you like the movies and shows you watch on the popular VoD of Netflix, you will soon be able to activate a new prepaid service </strong></p>
<p> <strong>  The pack of base </strong> named Basic, can be found in our <strong> 7,99 EUR </strong> but you can only use it on a device, with a significant compromise, without HD </strong> <strong>  9.99 EUR </strong> and for the most demanding is the premium subscription <strong> Premium </strong> <strong>  11.99 EUR </strong>] You have an ultra HD picture quality and the ability to watch content on four devices [19659006] netflix “width =” 1360 “height =” 373 “srcset =” /2018/07/netflix.jpg 1360w, https: // ww×211.jpg 768w,×191.jpg 696w,×293.jpg 1068w “sizes =” (max-width: 1360px) 100vw, 1360px “/><figcaption class= Current monthly programs [19659006] The Italian technology portal comes with information that Netflix prepaid services can be supplemented by a new package that will be the most expensive, and it is also important that its implementation can, theoretically until now, affect Packaging and prices of current packages

The new service program should be labeled Ultra. For 16.99 EUR the user would naturally obtain 4K image quality but also support for HDR video

The Ultra Target package for the most demanding content consumers. According to a screenshot, the existence of the package will affect the previous one. With a standard package, we will be able to use Netflix services on a single device and on a premium set of only two out of the current four.


The Netflix changes have officially failed, so they can not be assigned official status up here. However, the number of service subscribers is increasing and Netflix has a good foundation for raising prices, respectively. edit monthly programs. According to the statistician analyst, this service is prepaid worldwide by 125 million users

The content of Netflix is ​​supplemented by subtitles in several languages, among which there are no Slovak translations for nearly a year. Netflix began to ignore the Slovak market, while Czech subtitles grew almost constantly.

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