New investigation: Almost no one believes in the Slovak police, the historical level came after the murder


According to the survey, more than half of citizens do not trust the Slovak police, which is the largest share of all EU countries. Police do not believe 55% of citizens, 38% of them believe. At the European average, 73% of citizens believe in the police. As the survey shows, the most reliable police officers are in Denmark. It is supposed to be 93% of the population, but it is not believed by five percent of the country's population.

"In our opinion, the emotions after the murder of a journalist and his partner were signed according to the results of the survey.The police personnel policy is still open and there will be d & # 39; other changes, " informed the communications department of the police presidency

Moods in Slovakia were lightened by the police. "We are working to increase the credibility of the police to a larger number, and it is important to point out that despite the Eurobarometer, Slovakia is perceived as a safe country, an example is strong tourism" ] The statistics are also reported to the police according to the presidency "The clarity of the murders is 60%, as well as the indicators of property crimes, burglaries, car theft" provided by the Department of Communications

The results of Transparency International Slovakia's non-governmental survey also share the results of the survey. According to her, the measures to build confidence in the police are clear. "This is a solution to serious courage, including those who are politically sensitive, as well as the choice of a new police chief in the fall." The recent arrest of Russia and Mr. Kocner was a trend towards real changes in police work. ! 19659013] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, p) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq function () {n.callMethod?
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