New Zealand has blocked the use of Huawei devices to build a 5G network


New Zealand's approach follows a similar decision in Australia.

New Zealand has become another country that has blocked the use of Huawei telecommunications equipment in China for the construction of a new generation 5G mobile network addressing national security concerns.

Spark, the largest telecommunications operator in New Zealand, announced Wednesday that the news agency had blocked the use of Huawei's 5G network equipment as they presented "significant risks to national security" . 5G plans.

New Zealand's GCSB director, Andrew Hampton, said that if Spark had used the Huawei 5G network, it would significantly increase the national security risk. Spark still wants to complete the new 5G network by July 2020.

5G networks are also expected to arrive in Slovakia in the coming years.

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Global pressure is growing stronger against the involvement of Chinese technology companies for security reasons. In particular, the United States urges its allies to exclude Chinese suppliers from building 5G networks for fear of cybersecurity. The new 5G networks will be another important wave of mobile infrastructure.

Huawei, the largest telecommunications manufacturer in the world, faces the resistance of foreign governments who fear that its technology is used for espionage.

New Zealand's decision follows a similar decision in Australia, which also blocked the use of Huawei and ZTE Chinese technologies for building a 5G network for security reasons. The United States and the United Kingdom have also raised concerns about Huawei and the company has been inspected in Germany, Japan and South Korea.

The US government suspects Huawei that high-profile communication is "displacing" the Chinese government.

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The US daily Wall Street Journal said last week that the US government was trying to convince wireless service providers to avoid using Huawei's equipment.

In the United Kingdom, in July, the Security Council reported that there was "very little certainty" that Huawei's telecommunications facilities did not pose a threat to national security.

New Zealand is a member of the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, which includes the United States, Britain, Canada and Australia. One country does not prevent Huawei. Papua New Guinea said this week that it will pursue an agreement with Huawei for the construction of its Internet infrastructure.


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