Neymar and his son made fun of Myjavčankami


The two TOP 10 teams! This is how the first will be like thunder! The Neymar Jr's Five 2018 in the Praia Grande of Brazil, in the competition of 62 countries around the world, brought together representatives of Slovakia at the grand finale of the biggest football tournament (five against five without goalkeeper goal). The women of Spartaka Myjava finished third and Atletica Trnava F.C. took the ninth place.

They made a good performance at the premiere of the Myjavčanka women's tournament, which only played one match Semi-finals with Brazil's last winners. In the group, the German, Canadian and Jordanian selections were gradually overtaken in the US quarterfinals and semi-finals with Brazil 1: 2.

The World Finals were held at the Neymar Campus at Jardim Gloria in the neighborhood where he grew up. The goal of Projeto Neymar Jr. is to help socially disadvantaged children and families. "I am really proud and happy to have collected all these landscapes and cultures and to show them not only in Brazil, but also in the neighborhood where I grew up" said a vaunted footballer who finally played against the team (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod ?
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