Nicholson sent Pellegrini an open letter criticizing social services in Slovakia


BRATISLAVA, July 30 ( – Parliament Vice-President for Freedom and Solidarity Lucia Ďuriš Nicholson sent an open letter to Prime Minister Petr Pellegrinim criticizing the process of transformation and deinstitutionalisation of the service system in Slovakia. the process has not progressed for more than two years. The prime minister is asking the Liberal MP to take immediate and effective measures to remedy this situation, says the SaS press release

. Joining NGOs

Nicholson joins a number of non-governmental organizations representing the rights of persons with disabilities who have also turned to the Prime Minister to find a solution to the process of transformation and deinstitutionalization of social services and non-implementation of the National Deinstitutionalization Project and the Transformation Plan for the Human Resources Operational Program

In June 2016, she contacted Jann Richter, Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Family. He replied that the national project would be implemented in September, at the end of 2016. It has still not happened ", noted the liberals

Slovakia violates the rights of the

Slovakia, according to Nicholson, threatens to use the European Structural Funds for 2014 and 2020. " but it is the most important, violates the human rights of disabled citizens living in social institutions and does not respect the commitments it has made "she commented

. no comments or reservations about the project. " Therefore, I do not understand why this national project has not started yet ," added Nicholson

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