Nicola, 32, gave birth to twins, only one woman born on a million: She apologized for it


Married Nicola and Tedd Bailey, of England, already have a 4 year old son. Recently, the family grew up thanks to two unique girls.

The 32-year-old nurse Nicola became the mother of exceptional twins. One of the girls has Down syndrome and the other does not. The fact that Harper's daughter has a genetic disorder was learned about half an hour after her birth. She was born 38 minutes before her sister Quinn and was brought to the exam soon

  Girls already have a strong puto

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The couple has a strong puto

The couple says that the postnatal doctor said that he is sorry, but the couple agrees to say that the words of regret are not necessary and that Down syndrome is nothing the doctor should be justifiable. They think that their two daughters are perfect

Nicola says, "I try to spread enlightenment about this diagnosis and relieve the stigma that affects people with this disability. Harper is short of Harper and Quinn is Quinn. I know that I can not compare them because everyone is unique. Harper's people sometimes know it and it's hard for me, Down syndrome is still perceived by the fingers of the company. But I would not change it for nothing. It's who she should look like and her smile to make her whole room. And this dense hair can be envied by a younger sister! "

  This is a love

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It's like that that looks like love!

Nicola learned at the twelfth week of pregnancy that she was expecting twins. Subsequent tests did not reveal any abnormalities. Doctors say the probability of such twins being born is 1 million.

  Nicolina's family grew up with two daughters

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Nicolina's family grew up with two daughters

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4 The older brother loves fraternity.
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