Night Wolves are a security threat (interview)


Are Russian riders for Europe harmless? On the contrary, their efforts for a new empire, the Slavic world and the dominant Russia pose a real threat to Western democracies, according to expert Marko Prihoda.

The wolves of the night are not an innocent group of bikers. The dangers represent not only their actions, but also the desire to celebrate the celebration of victory over fascism. Markom Příhodom of the Institute of East European Studies of the Faculty of Letters of Charles University [19659004] In the interview you will read, among others, [19659006] – why night wolves are labeled as Fighting Fascism,

– how much they are related to Russian President Vladimir Putin,

– why they call a Western Scam

– why they need their base on European territory


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The security services have already warned that night wolves pose a threat to security. This is not an innocent group of bikers. They are connected directly to the Russian state, receive subsidies directly from the President and also talk about the support of the Russian oligarchs.

When you talk about their connection with the Kremlin, where can we assume that they are directly related to President Vladimir? Putina?

This is a question. Last year, an interesting situation emerged when none of the three grant applications were approved. One wonders if the position of the Kremlin against the Night Wolf does not change. But it is a fact that they have always received subsidies for three years before

Despite their financial support, they still proclaim the official policy of Russia. I can mention, for example, their engagement in Ukraine after 2014. And their attitude, which is based on a pro-European and anti-American idea. They are therefore opposed to the involvement of the countries of our region: both in the European Union and in particular in NATO

Russian wolves have also paid a lot of attention at the Night Wolves events. Especially those that took place on the occasion of the end of the Second World War, or as they call Russia today – Victory Day.

Night wolves are labeled as fighters of fascism. How to understand it

It is necessary to understand this in the context of Russian rhetoric. The word fascism is abused by the rhetoric of Russian officials. The events of the Second World War, for example, the events of the Second World War and, for example, the events in Ukraine in 2014, were also associated with the events of the official Moscow cities.

This is an ideological label mainly aimed at a pro-Russian public, for Russian domestic politics. This creates an image of an enemy

Which is extremely dangerous: The wolves of the night are as if they were celebrating the end of the Second World War, the victory over fascism. They are very free to deal with these events, and when someone hinders their actions, they automatically associate it with fascism.

Fighting with fascism therefore does not only represent events II.

Can we expect that, for example, the action of NATO or the action of any criticism that they call "fascist"

when it is to fight against "fascism" in Ukraine or elsewhere? someone will defend them in their actions to celebrate the victory, so of course they can mark these people as fascist fascists. Although their critics have nothing at all with fascism. For Night Wolves, it's just a play on words

On the Slovak basis, the Night Wolves also have the technology of military museums. Their chef Jozef Hambalek wrote on the social network that they want to open the museum. Is it related to their attempt to abuse the celebrations of victory over fascism?

By opening the museum, I would not see any threat to security. Threats are their own actions and contacts. They call on local politicians or representatives of the cultural community who invite their actions.

The representative of the Russian Embassy participated in the inauguration of the Slovak base of night wolves. Is this the norm?

This is repeated, so it is nothing extraordinary.

The opening of such a base opens them more opportunities, because in the past they have struggled to cross the borders of some countries

. It also allows them to make contacts with organizations. on the European territory and to plan any more important events.

In this area, they should also form the Slovak branch, which can be described as a paramilitary group …

This is a problem. In countries like Slovakia or the Czech Republic, part of the political representation is pro-European, anti-American, anti-NATO. And rightly these people can reach the Wolves of the Night, mobilize themselves across the different states and create an international network.

So I think the basis in Slovakia is only their first step. The second step will probably be to build a larger network of contacts.

Just look at the Night Wolf Wizard of Alexander Zaldostanov, whose idea is based on the emergence of a new empire. And it's dangerous. So also operate with the slogan slogan under which they organize their actions. In their opinion, Russia is dominated by it

And it should also determine who is and who is not part of this world. At the same time, the Slavic world is pro-European and anti-Western.

Zaldostanov refers to Western democracies as a deception. According to him, only the one who is the strongest will be satisfied.

It is a coincidence that when the Wolves of the night failed to establish a base in the Czech Republic, they did so in Slovakia

This did not happen. is not a coincidence. For example, it would be much more difficult in Poland. Even in Belarus, they received a relatively cold reception from the official state policy. President Lukashenko also ignored them this year

Night wolves do not need a primary base in Belarus but in the European Union. If they mobilized Slovak or Czech bikers, no one can stop at the borders.

Former Minister of the Interior Robert Kaliňák for the newspaper We said that the wolves of the night have always behaved well on our territory and have not broken any law. How do you evaluate this vision?

There are two possible angles of view. The first is that we focus on the letter of the law and we expect that to happen. The second is to define such a phenomenon as a possible threat. I am closer to the other attitude.

There is an experience that these people represent a real threat. And who claims that it is innocent that we should not watch the events surrounding the crisis in Crimea, where night wolves played a very unfortunate role as propagators of Russian influence

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