Nissan admitted the falsification of emissions tests, stock market shares fell


BRATISLAVA, July 9 ( – Nissan has admitted the falsification of the testing of emissions in Japan.

Nissan did not disclose the number of cars involved in this finding, but it stated that emissions testing and fuel consumption "deviated from the prescribed environment to test " The automaker added that the inspection reports were " Based on modified values. "

Nissan promised "Complete and complete investigation." He added that "appropriate measures" are adopted to prevent any future repetition. However, the company stated that it had rechecked the "Valuable" data and confirmed that all vehicles except GT-R sports cars complied with Japanese safety standards. . However, he did not explain why GT-R was not confirmed by the standards

The check did not meet the requirements

The value of Nissan shares declined by more than 4.5 % Monday, when the company warned investors to issue a statement of emissions. Last year, Nissan totaled 1.2 million in Japan. cars after the regulator said the security check did not meet the Japanese requirements. Porsche "am-card-image =" top "data-lazy-srcset ="×54.jpg 81w, https: //cdn.webnoviny .sk / sites / 32/2018/05 / porsche-676×451.jpg 676w,×512.jpg 768w, https://cdn.webnoviny .sk / sites / 32/2018/05 / porsche-992×661.jpg 992w,×107.jpg 160w, https://cdn.webnoviny .sk / sites / 32/2018/05 / porsche-312×208.jpg 312w,×448.jpg 672w, https://cdn.webnoviny .sk / sites / 32/2018/05 / porsche-120×80.jpg 120w "sizes =" (max-width: 81px) 100vw, 81px "data-dominant-color =" # b0b2b7 "/>