Nissan Leaf goes on sale as a Nismo sports hot-hat. Qu & # 39; will it offer?


Nissan introduced a new version of the best-selling electric Nissan Leaf NISMO. This attribute is an acronym for the sports division of the Japanese car manufacturer "NISsan MOtorsports". So the character of the news is clear.

Brian Maragno, head of sales and marketing of Nissan electric cars, recently announced that the next Leaf version with a larger "E-Plus" battery will also be available as a hot-hatch. more power. And up to 200 horses to compete with a small hot-hatch. However, hot-hats are not only about performance, but also about sports technology.

Surprise, output with 40 kWh versions

This is a big surprise for us in the case of the new Nissan Leaf NISMO that it will be based on the current version, which has a battery of 40 kWh and a power of 110 kW (147 hp). We are so excited by the sporty version of the more powerful E-Plus variant of 200 horsepower

On the other hand, the E-Plus with a 60 kWh battery would probably be too expensive in the version NISMO, so Nissan decided to edit standard model.

Sheet with the 7th NISMO

Nissan Motorsports launched the first standard model in the NISMO version in 2013, in the form of Juke. This was followed by other models, March, Note, 370Z, GT-R and Serena. Nissan has quite a decent experience with the sporty finish of its "series".

Nissan Leaf NISMO features an enhanced control unit that provides better throttle response and acceleration, sport tires and wheel suspension for better control, but in focusing on the new Nissan Leaf. comfort and interior and exterior sports features.

  nissan leaf nismo vybava

Source: Nissan

Available at the end of the month

The new Nissan Leaf NISMO will be available for sale on July 31st. First, however, only in Japan. The schedule for other markets is not yet known.

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BMW i3 goes with the times. (19659021) Nissan Leaf E-Plus: Nissan's Leaf Efficiency

Nissan Leaf Takes Renault Zoe's Scales

Finally, another report is available. Nissan Leaf was able to put an end to the relatively long-standing dominance of Renault Zoe, which was the best-selling car in Europe for two years. For the first half of 2018, more than 18,000 vehicles have been registered. Since the start of sales on the old continent in October 2017, the 2nd generation of Leaf has ordered more than 37,000 customers. Congratulations! ?


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