Njomn apartments = age of Bratislava. – discussion (page: 1)


Ms. Prime Minister did not explain, from which to be financed apartments njomn.
Convince the banks and some bloody financial investors not to go through the Njomn apartments. Why would you have financial references? do you think? Lucrative land and benefits? Yes?

A building is something a species owns? The banks? The developers? Banks do not know their own ignorance of the needs of those who have bad credit. The developers want them to be good enough to make money on them and not on their own long run. The only one that remains a city we know, is how it will be in ten years.

Competition in the public sector is about? Tunneling the construction of apartments, as well as brushes from the urban land? The public sector is not competing with him. It's the one that makes it a good companion of the road, mass transportation, general wheels and the like, but even in that it does not blame him so much that it will work for someone else. who works without her?

Do not be angry, but the construction of the new Pentagon, the Lunche IX and the similar Inch Blave projects and no other city is necessary.

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