No breakthrough! The famous pair has refuted speculation


It did not last long. Miley Cyrus (25) and Liam Hemsworth (28) denied speculation about their escape, which was shared by all foreign media on Thursday. The actor issued a common instinct, which showed everyone that the break in their relationship would be imminent. On the contrary, both seemed more than satisfied

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Photo: Instagram / liamhemsworth

OK Magazine! Australia has communicated to the world information that the famous couple has canceled wedding preparations because they are not in agreement to say yes. But other sources claim that Miley and Liam have long been theirs. Where the real truth is, they only know

Their fans are excited about the fact that they are still klape. Peer gave her a second chance in 2016 and has not seen her yet

Miley made an energetic move last week to Instagram, where she watches more than 76 million people. She deleted all the photos and has a black circle instead of the profile.

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Photo: Instagram / mileycyrus

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