North Korea will grant a grand amnesty in August


Several amnesties have occurred in North Korea since the arrival of dictator Kim Jong-un.

North Korea is planning a general amnesty in August to celebrate its 70th anniversary, to be celebrated in September. This was announced Tuesday by local media quoted by the Japan Times.

Amnestia will receive "those who have been convicted of crimes against the country and the people," said the North Korean KCNA news agency. The amnesty comes into effect on August 1st.

"The DPRK and the relevant authorities will take practical measures to help the fired persons to establish themselves in normal working life," Pyongyang explains in 1965

. can already carry out several amnesties; the last one in 2015 when the country celebrated the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the Korean peninsula and the creation of the Korean Workers Party (KSP).

The DPRK also granted the amnesty in 2012 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Irena. , old father of the current leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

According to human rights estimates, there would be about 200,000 people in North Korean prisons, including women and children. The UN says that a large number of people are imprisoned in the DPRK without trial, and in prison there is often violence and sexual abuse

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