Not only for professionals: the city will historically become the first polmaratón of Prešov


A preferential holiday will take place in the Prešov calendar. The first Prešov polmarathon will bring together those who want to experience a sporty atmosphere and enthusiasm.

  Illustration Illustration to article Not only for professionals: The city will become historically the first Prešovský polmaratón


City Prešov

The unique racing event of Prešov Half Marathon (PHM) has the potential

Not only for professionals

It will be held on September 14 and 15, 2018 under the auspices of the mayor of the city
Prešov Andrey Turčanová, President of PSK Milan Majerský and Dean of the Faculty
Pavel Ruzarski PU sport. "I believe that Prešovský
polmaratón will become as popular as any other race events in the city
and that he's gaining a stable place in everyone's calendar
athlete, "
said the mayor.The Prešov half marathon is
designed not only for professional runners and athletes,

"Beh, as one of the most natural forms of movement, has
not only beneficial effects on the health of the body, "clean the head", recharges
energy, but last but not least, it connects people, hinders social differences and
Profi and hobbies also bring a good feeling to the athlete
irreproachable emotions on the track and in the target, "
Adrian says
Cuba, director of the event

In addition, Prešov is the only city in Slovakia that crosses
49th parallel. It measures 26,263 km and, in addition to Prešov, it also passes through
cities such as Ceske Budejovice, Regenburg and Karlsruhe

Unique Certificate

In addition to its overtaking, the organizer offers a track full of
monument and seat of the city such as the Gothic College of Gospel
St. Konstantin. Nicholas, Orthodox Jewish Synagogue, Cathedral
Alexandra Nevsky Temple, the Immaculate, Gothic Caraff Prison,
Florian's Gate, Klobušice Palace, Greek-Catholic Episcopal Palace
or the building of the town hall. The 2018 Prešov Half Marathon will be connected
with a rich program at the beginning and end

There will be no quality, fun, colorful refueling stations
a musical program and a commemorative medal for the winner, the T-shirt and the unique
Certificate of passing the 49th parallel. Race in the categories 10km a
polmarathon is also a great option to pre-test the form before
the top of the season at the International Peace Marathon in Košice.
"We are a half-city smaller than Košice, so we start
but I'm sure you'll certainly appreciate them
we can balance "
with a smile issued by the mayor of Prešov Andrea

"We would like to bring to Prešov a race that would be
sporting, cultural and social aspects of the model in the
Marathon Miera, but at the same time, it would be more affordable and the race would be
he also offered shorter tracks as a motivation for the sport or possibly
performance test on MMM, "
says sports director
event Peter Schmiedl. In relation to the concept of active sport
in the city, the organizers want to prepare the little ones after the half-marathon
Experience cross-country skiing events in the streets of Prešov called Prešov
Night Run.

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