OLO changed the waste management system. What's new in it?


Free housing can also be used to distribute free compost. The amendment of the law on waste management also regulates the sorting of waste in the capital.

From 1.8.2018, the amendment to the General Act of the Capital Council (WRC) no. 3/2016, which amends the VZN no. 4/2016 on the management of municipal and small-scale waste in the territory of the capital Bratislava. What kind of news will bring to the people of Bratislava

The transport of waste and waste management in Bratislava is governed by VZN č. 4/2016, according to which it is also obligatory to proceed with the municipal society of Bratislava odvoz a likvidácia odpadu (OLO). As of 1.8.2018, an amendment will enter into force with the following new features:

1. Houses that own land with greenery can request composting

Houses that own land with greenery have the opportunity to process the disposal of bio-waste gardens and greenery

Taxes, fees and licenses to the municipality and request a composting. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of ownership or the consent of the owner.

The cost of compost is paid out of local costs for municipal waste and small construction waste. The distribution of composters will be provided by OLO, as is the case of the distribution of brown collectors for bio-waste gardens,

To promote proper composting, the Ministry of Environment and City Green Building is preparing a project called "Community Composting Support" which will provide technical and technical assistance and advice on the creation of community sites for composting and proper composting

2. Family houses may apply for the award of a composting plant or 240 l of a brown container for biological waste collection

These family houses in Bratislava have not yet filled their obligation and have not asked to participate in the waste collection system

The family houses may request the allocation of a composter or a brown collector container from a uniform volume of 240 liters. The removal of bio-waste from brown containers will be carried out by OLO at 14-day intervals, seasonally, from March to November

Houses that already own a 120-liter collection container may request free to the capital exchange for a bottle of 240 liters. The cost of composting, container and disposal of organic waste from brown containers is covered by a local charge for municipal waste and small construction waste

3. Classification of waste

The amendment to the VZN also updates the information on the sorting of waste in the territory of the capital.

In container / container blue are newspapers, magazines, brochures, catalogs, paper bags,

Do not include dirty, wet and greasy paper, diapers and used sanitary articles , beverage cartons, toilet paper rolls, egg cartons, used paper towels and wipes

In a container / container green color belong to glass bottles and blankets unpolluted, glass cups, glass crevices and vases

Not covered with stained glass, mirror, car glass, wire glass, porcelain, ceramic, glasses, sheet glass, glass combined with other materials ( glued glass), laboratory glass

To a collection vessel rby includes unpolluted plastic bottles of beverages (compressed), plastic bags and pouches, cosmetic containers, plastic containers household plastics, sheets, yogurt cups, aluminum cans, unpackaged drinks cartons

(19659003) Composting machines respectively, composting or composters respectively. a brown collection container / bio-waste container of the gardens includes flowers, chips, sawdust, grass, grass, small pieces of leaves, leaves, fruit and vegetable waste, weeds. This does not include bio-waste from households and kitchens of animal origin, dairy and meat products, animal feces

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