ONLINE Fantastic day for world politics: the Trump-Putin summit, the Russian president has delayed


Trump in Helsinki plans to meet Putin first with four eyes, later to join the president with other members of the delegation, and the summit culminates in a joint working group. He wants to repeat the format of the June meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-unom, whom he describes as an extraordinary success

The situation we are looking at ONLINE:

15:27 Donald Trump, Sauli Niinisto and Vladimir Putin in a photo. ] President #Finland Sauli @Niinisto #Helsinki : President of the United States of America and President of #Russia . # HELSINKI2018

– TPKanslia (@TPKanslia) July 16, 2018

15:13 without any information escaping negotiations.

  Donald Trump and Vladimir

Source: SITA / AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

14:44 SNS meets the home of Trump and Putin. "This meeting also confirms that the small states policy is not supposed to be blind to the west or east.The smaller one was always bad when the stronger ones were d & # 39; The policy of a free and sovereign state must be balanced with Russia, the United States, the north and the south, "said party chairman Andrei Danko in the press release

The sanctions against Russia are ineffective and useless "The sanctions against Russia are also ineffective because the EU member states are more engaged in trade." Today, in Helsinki , relations between the United States and Russia improve. "

14:32 One of the British journalists noticed a humorous thing – Trump had fired Vladimir Putin [19659014]] Mark Stone on Twitter

Very awkward body language … May s @realDonaldTrump offered a wink to Vladimir Putin. @SkyNews

14:17 The Foreign Ministers of the two countries – Mike Pompeo and Sergey Lavrov – are talking to Putin and Trump in parallel.

14:05 The summit is about to end with a joint press conference, starting with the CET, according to Russian sources. Trump and Putin do not have an exact timetable

 Donald Trump and Vladimir

SITA / AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

13:50 Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said before the Russian media summit that Moscow does not expect not at easy negotiations in Helsinki, that the summit will be the first step to overcome the crisis that governs in mutual relations. . "But the time has come for a detailed discussion of bilateral relations and painful places in the world, that's enough.

Vladimir Putin "id =" 2218981 "border =" 0 "style =" width: 454px; "/>

SITA / AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais

13:22 "We will discuss everything -] 19659011]

13:18 Trump Putin congratulated himself on 39; excellent football championship yesterday ended in the triumph of France over Croatia.He also remembers the excellent performance of the Russian team, who abandoned in the quarterfinals with the defeated finalist

13:14 takes place at 3:50 pm

13:10 The arrival of the two chiefs of State:

12:58 pm . is may Waiting for a meeting between the four eyes

12:40 Putin, according to CNN, arrived at the presidential palace more than half an hour. He's waiting for Trump to come in ten minutes

Vladimir Putin arrives in Helsinki

<img src = "" title = "Vladimir Putin in prílete" alt "Source: SITA / AP / Ronni Rekomaa

12:30 First Ladies of the United States Melanie Trump and Finland Jenni Hauki met

12:17 Putin arrived in Helsinki.The arrival of Putin was delayed by 30 minutes.The delay of half an hour also means a change in the beginning of the high-level meeting with the president of the White House between four eyes in the presidential palace of Helsinkiinlinna [19659011] But the summit raises controversy in the United States and the West. Trump, according to commentators, would hand over to Putin, who is accused of authoritarian efforts and anti-Western attitudes, while criticizing critics of traditional American allies

Melania Trump and Donald Trump after their arrival in Helsinki

  Melania Trump and Donald

Source: SITA / AP / Markus Schreiber

Themes? Ukraine or Syria

With Putin, Trump wants to talk, among other things, about the alleged interference of the Russians in the 2016 US presidential election. Another topic of discussion is Ukraine, source tensions and sanctions between Washington and Moscow. In fact, Russia annexed Ukrainian Crimea in 2014 and began supporting pro-Russian separatists in Donbass, where fighting erupted.

The Kremlin has already noted that Crimea should not be considered inseparable from the Russian Federation. The two statemen will also speak about the conflicts in Syria, that the two parts have different points of view

Transparent Organization Greenpeace

  Transparent Organization Greenpeace

Source: SITA / AP / Seppo Samuli

Protestant Organizations

Several organizations opposed the summit. Greenpeace hung a huge banner on the church tower with the inscription "Spreading our heart, not our planet" responding to the recent announcement of President Trump that the states United States would withdraw from the Paris climate agreement

"Trump and Putin: Stop the crimes against humanity in Chechnya" the American campaign for human rights has been projected. "The whole world is watching.The silence is mortal," also appeared at the headquarters of the Finnish head of state

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