ONLINE: Johanna Kontova – Dominika Cibulková


today 00:00

On the way to the sixteenth final, there will be our British tennis player Johanna Kontová. How is she doing with her? Watch the transmission online on!

05.07.2018 | 16:00 | Transmission Online

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Johanna Konta

0: 0 0-0

Starting from 16:00

Dominika Cibulková

Johanna Konta

Dominika Cibulková

0: 0 0-0

Start 16:00

Transmission Online

I welcome all tennis fans to watch this online text transfer. We will focus together on the meeting at which Johann Konta and Dominika Cibulkova will join. The preliminary start of the match is scheduled for 16:00!

High-quality tennis fans can enjoy many interesting matches, starting a prestigious tennis tournament called Wimbledon in the UK on Monday

Lukáš Lacko played 0: 3 on Roger Federer's sessions yesterday and so right now. we do not have a single representative. Slovakia has a dual presence at Wimbledon this year. On the women's side, Magdalena Rybáriková and her compatriot Petra Martičoviová of Croatia will be presented

Dominika Cibulková still has the Slovak flag, but she faces a difficult hurdle in the second round when she meets British tennis player Konta. The winner of this meeting will be Konta, ranked 24th in the WTA ranking, but this is only nine places against our tennis player. Both players are about the same shape and we are looking forward to seeing this meeting.

Miroslav Revaj is very pleased with the commentator.

Welcome to online delivery. The meeting will begin at 16:00.

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