Orange in Pohode: Create a good festival The Wi-Fi network lasts several months


The Pohoda Festival is the largest Slovak music festival that visits 30,000 people every year. These are official figures, in fact, they are often even more. And visitors to Trenčín airport are waiting, respectively. they have a habit of receiving a first class service for Pohoda, not only from the point of view of the festival experience, but also from the other services offered. The Orange operator has been providing Wi-Fi coverage for several years and has a great deal of experience. However, each year, it must improve to meet the growing demands of organizers, partners and visitors themselves. In practice, this means that Orange had to increase the capacity of the network to four times the level of 1.5 Gbps compared to the previous year on the Pohode 2018.

To do this, Orange optical-metallic network that it reinforced with three mobile BTS stations, was used. At the airport, the cables were removed and the physical installation was prepared by the supplier before the festival. She built all the infrastructure at the airport, canceling it again after the festival. The physical installation included more than 2 kilometers of wire rope, 1.2 kilometers of fiber optic cabling, 34 Wi-Fi access points and 12 directional antennas

The radio link allowed a transfer of 1 Gbps from Trenčín to the airport in the form of a thin beam of 2 ÷ 3 mm at a distance of 3 ÷ 4 km

Transmitted to 8 156 GB of data

The work Physical itself takes less than a week, but planning for the entire Wi-Fi network is a demanding project. 2 ÷ 3 months of planning and design . The whole project starts in January. These BTS stations have also helped to improve the coverage and capacity of the mobile network, giving Orange 1GB for free.

This year, was a total of 4 Wi-Fi zones on Pohode that were clearly labeled and covered with a strong Wi-Fi signal. A transmission speed limit [3000Mbps was applied to a single user. Each area contained about 4 access points, 34 at the airport and at the same point of access, 60 to 70 devices can be connected simultaneously. And while the total capacity of the network was 1.5 Gbps, reserved the band dedicated to 500/500 Mbps for the organizers of the Radio Festival, and Rádio_FM had its own network 30/30 Mbps [19659002OrangereportedthatgloballyitwastransferredtoitsnetworkthisyearonPohode 8 156 GB of data . The operator will also cover the grape festival in Piešťany this year.

Mobile Station Left BTS, Wi-Fi Zone Right on Pohode 2018

Statistics Transmission of Orange Data to Pohode 2018

• In total, 8 156 GB of data
was transferred via fixed, Wi-Fi and mobile connections. , 5%
while the data transfer in the 4G network has increased by 112%
• Festival visitors voted 520,475 calls this year or 16% more than the same. last year
• Pohoda 2018 powered by Orange more than 22 290 people
• Overall, 8 477 devices were loaded on Pohoda
Live broadcast Welcome to the Sun of the festival on the facebook profile of Orange watched 22,151 fans between 5:00 and 6:00 am, and 2,646 of them participated in the contest for the Pohoda tickets
• In a special boat, visitors handed over 659 cell phones unusable


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