Our freestyle kayak: we are three children in the championship


At the European Cup last year, Alexandra Cisarova won fourth place, but not a professional.

6. July 2018 at 0:00

I know you're not an ordinary kayaker – what exactly is your discipline and what is specific?

In the early years, it was called rodeo for wild water, today this discipline is called freestyle kayaking. I used to go kayaking once, but it did not look like something like that, but the Danube is a wonderful place. Sea kayaking tours also have their charm. (19659002) How many people are dedicated to such a thing in Slovakia

There are many people doing something about me in Slovakia, today it is not not much, we go to the European Championships this year, four paradoxically, but we could have a lot more. We do not have juniors. About 10 or 15 years ago, this discipline was booming and buses were running, but gradually people stopped doing it. Maybe it'll go back to the next generation.

We know that you work in the computer field. In this case, too, quite counter current, though? Where has it changed?

I suppose you think I am a woman in the computer . We still have little, that's right. I wanted to study and do what I love, so I never did that.

At this moment we can see you in the Siemens Healthineers recruitment video where you work. What are you doing specifically? Does it count on you or count for a minute while you go to the water?

Minutes I count when we have a deadline but just to know if I still finish what I have plans, before I leave for the kids or on the school board. ;water. If I do not, I'll bring my laptop home and finish my work in the evening And of course it fills me, otherwise I would not be there. When I programmed an insurance company in the past, it kept me from having fun. Imaging Development Medical Software is more interesting to me, but more complicated. In addition, we must follow the various processes to ensure that our software meets strict standards

The development of medical software means that you really help doctors heal and save lives …

Yes – When a heart surgeon tells us about the Most advanced cardiac surgery, explaining to us what all our software uses, he points out that for some acts, the surgeon only has one attempt. I then know that our efforts are worth it

Is computer science and wild water at all? Are you both trying to make the most of it (with kids and other hobbies)?
do. I work for a 6-hour job cut short, I do not get to the sport too, I decide to go kayaking or surfing, depending on the mood or the fact that my hands or feet are just sick . Sometimes I had a kayak and a surf race in Cune one day and it was happening that I started the last surfers without me and so I had less time to ride. But I'm fine, I would say it's perfectly ideal, everything is complete. If I feel myself improving and I still enjoy it, I am so happy. The only thing I really try to pursue is children because they grow up very fast. Here

The time of shooting of this video was Saša AFK – launched on the 39th wild water

Source of the photo / video / gif: Siemens

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